Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Ladies only Workout and Wine Night at PCF Venice!
Time to treat the Ladies! 🙂 Join us for a night of girly bonding and vino, hosted by the amazing Lindsay Sudell and Alexandra Causey! Bring your girlfriends, sweat together
Sunday, August 2, 2015
With one week to go before the official start, we have surpassed 100 participants in the EIE Challenge! More details will be released later today, click HERE to signup with
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Ask a coach about the upcoming EIE Challenge starting on August 10th! We now have 100 people signed up! Click HERE to take the first steps. Prehab Posterior Chain
Friday, July 31, 2015
Don’t forget that we offer a free Beach Workout every Saturday at 10am! Anyone is invited to attend. Meet where Rose ave hits the beach. Signup for the EIE Challenge
Thursday, July 30, 2015
We are up to 86 people in the EIE Challenge! Take 60 seconds to fill out THIS FORM and commit to learning more about your goals. If you are still on
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Over 75 people are now signed up for our EIE Challenge! Join in the fun and commit to learning more about one specific area of your Health and Fitness. Click
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
The next EIE Challenge starts in 2 weeks! Click HERE if you are interested in learning more about the challenge (no obligation at this point). The next two weeks are a “fun”
Monday, July 27, 2015
The next EIE Challenge starts in 2 weeks! Click HERE if you are interested in learning more about the challenge (no obligation at this point). The next two weeks are