Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Thursday, August 7, 2015
EIE Challenge Kickoff Potluck this Sunday at MDR from Noon-1:30pm! We will have a brief discussion about the challenge and answer any questions. Bring your favorite dish or something to
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
We have surpassed the 125 person mark for the challenge! If you haven’t checked out the signup form yet, click HERE. It literally takes less than 60 seconds, does not
Paradiso CrossFit University – Oly Lifting
This class is highly recommended if you want to improve your understanding of the Olympic lifts, become a better overall athlete and improve your performance in the sport of CrossFit.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Lets keep it up! 117 people and counting! Click HERE to get started with the EIE Challenge! Satellite PCF member Michael Lim doing his thing in Hawaii. Prehab Theraband Routine
Paradiso CrossFit University – Running
No matter if you love it or hate it…you were born to run! Take away how fast or far you can run and focus on improving your mechanics first. Learning
Monday, August 3, 2015
We are gaining about 10 new participants every day for the EIE Challenge! If you are on the fence, go for it! The only obligation you have by signing up HERE is
Ladies only Workout and Wine Night at PCF Venice!
Time to treat the Ladies! 🙂 Join us for a night of girly bonding and vino, hosted by the amazing Lindsay Sudell and Alexandra Causey! Bring your girlfriends, sweat together
Sunday, August 2, 2015
With one week to go before the official start, we have surpassed 100 participants in the EIE Challenge! More details will be released later today, click HERE to signup with