Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Still waiting to signup for the PCF Triathlon? Do it today! Click HERE. We can help you with finding a beach cruiser and answer any other concerns you have. Gymnastics Class
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
We are over the halfway point in the “Everything is Everything” Challenge! This week we will de-load the weights slightly so we can really push hard through the final 3
Monday, September 7, 2015
Happy Labor Day! Friends and family are welcome to join for free. Classes will only be held at 8:30am and 10am today. We hope you enjoy the new website! Weekly
Sunday, September 6, 2015
No evening classes today! Join us for “Hidalgo” tomorrow at 8:30 or 10am, friends and family welcome to join for free! Today is the last day of this website, we
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Labor Day Weekend! Join us for our weekly community beach workout today at 10am where Rose Ave hits the ocean walk. Join Coach Josh Squyres from 10:30-Noon today for barbell
Friday, September 4, 2015
Friends and Family all weekend! Join us for the Beach workout at 10am tomorrow at Rose Ave and the beach or “Hidalgo” on Monday! One month to go until the
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Use your fitness! Join us in Joshua Tree next weekend for a guided rock climbing and camping trip. All experience levels welcome. Email us for details. Limited schedule and “Hidalgo” event
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
REMINDER: 7:30am class at Venice will be hosting the Santa Monica SWAT team! All members are still welcome to attend, but the workout will be altered to accommodate the group.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Strict Pullups and Burpees Day! These are two parts of our 8 week training cycle that will be retested in 5 more weeks! Remember, if you want to get stronger