Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Freestyle Connection workshop

ATTENTION MOVEMENT ENTHUSIASTS! Join Paradiso CrossFit coach Chelsea McKinney for a 4 day Freestyle Connection workshop at Paradiso CrossFit Venice September 21-24 from 1:30-3:30. This seminar is appropriate for coaches,

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Did you know that your gym throws THE most badass party on the westside of Los Angeles every year? Our 6th Anniversary party is all about YOU and showing you, our

Monday, September 20, 2015

Did you know that your gym throws THE most badass party on the westside of Los Angeles every year? Our 6th Anniversary party is all about YOU and showing you, our


THANKS EVERYBODY FOR A GREAT MAX OUT NIGHT ON THURSDAY!  ALOT OF NEW PRs! Let’s cheer our guys on at CHIKARA this coming Saturday, Sean, Ariel, Graeme, and Jeremy!!!

WEEK OF 9/20-9/27

CHIKARA COMPETITORS REST ON TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. MONDAY: Snatch 90% 3×1, Clean and Jerk 80% 2×1, Snatch Pull 80% 2×2, Back Squat: 80% 5×5 WEDNESDAY: Snatch 60% 2×2, Clean and

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Calling all endurance lovers! Be sure to sign up for the beach cruiser triathalon at the PCF World Championship. We can supply a beach cruiser if you don’t have one.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Calling all endurance lovers! Be sure to sign up for the beach cruiser triathalon at the PCF World Championship. We can supply a beach cruiser if you don’t have one.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Calling all endurance lovers! Be sure to sign up for the beach cruiser triathalon at the PCF World Championship. We can supply a beach cruiser if you don’t have one.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Learn how to move your body better with coach Chelsea McKinney for a 4 day Freestyle Connection workshop at Paradiso CrossFit Venice September 21-24 from 1:30-3:30. For more info, and to register,

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Make sure you check out the PCF World Championship event details and signup to support your gym now! Prehab Ankle Mobility 1 min ea. side Wrist Stretches :30 each 10