Thursday, November 2nd 2017

Row 1,000 Meters Then 60 Burpees 50 DB Hang Power Cleans 40 Chest to Bar 30 DB alt Snatches 20 DB Jerks Then Row 1,000 Meters Accessories: Heavier than last

Wednesday, November 1st 2017

Back Squat, Every 3 minutes, on the minute: 1X5@60%, 1X5@65%, 1X5@70%, 1X5@75% At minute 15 switch to Front Squats and follow the same timing starting at minute 15:00 1X5@60%, 1X5@65%,

Tuesday, October 31st 2017

Happy Halloween!!!! “Jigsaw” Chose between: Workout 1: 50 Wall Ball Buy in 13 Rounds: 6 Hang Power Cleans 6 Thrusters 6 Bar Facing Burpees 50 Wall Ball Buy out  

Monday, October 30th 2017

Back Squat, Every 3 minutes, on the minute: 1X5@60%, 1×5@65%, 1X5@70%, 1X5@75% At minute 12 switch to Front Squats and follow the same timing starting at minute 15:00 1X5@60%, 1X5@65%,

Sunday, October 29th 2017

5 rounds for time of: 25 Kettlebell Swings 25 Sit-Ups 25 Arch Ups 25 Knees-To-Elbows 25 Push-Ups

Saturday, October 28th 2017

Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes 3 Push Jerks, building   14 Rounds (alternate rounds) Chest to Bar Burpee Box Jump Overs Run 100 meters

Friday, October 27th 2017

Every 5 minutes for 30 minutes, building: 2 Unbroken Bear Complexes   10 minute AMRAP: 8 Burpees over a DB (DB Facing) 8 DB Hang Cleans (FULL) 8 Toes to

Thursday, October 26th 2017

“The Monster Squad” In a team of 3… Accumulate 300 cal on the Rower (One person on the Rower at all Times) While also completing the chipper… 120 Power Snatches

Wednesday, October 25th 2017

30 minutes Back Squat, Every 3 minutes, on the minute: 1X5@60%, 1X5@65%, 1X5@70%, 1X5@75% At minute 15 switch to Front Squats and follow the same timing starting at minute 15:00

Tuesday, October 24th 2017

EMOM 14: Odd: 8/6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups Even: 8/6 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-Ups   “The Demon Chipper” 2 Rounds 30 Deadlifts 30 Wall Balls 30 Cal Row 30 Bar