Post 14.2
Saturday March 8th, 2013 Prehab: Scap Push ups and Circles x15 eachSuper Rack StretchKeg Drill Warm up: 2 min Jump Rope-then-50′ Bear crawl50′ Crab walk6 Inch worms with push ups6
1st Friday Night Lights in the Books!
Saturday Feb 29, 2014 Pre-hab: Scapular Push ups/Circles(Clockwise/counter) x15 eachBanded Overhead Distraction x1minSuper rack stretch x1min Warm up: 350m Row-then- 2 Rounds with Barbell 5 Good Mornings5 Front Squats5 Push
Competition Time!
Saturday: Prehab: Overhead band distractionPosterior Chain FlossingWall Extensions Warm-up: 2 roundsRow 300m8 Good Mornings8 OHS (PVC–>Barbell)8 Tuck Jumps 8 Push ups Strength: EMOM for 10 minutes of: 3 Deadlifts- as heavy
Selective Functional Movement Assessments
Saturday February 15, 2014 Prehab: Scapular Push ups (attempt in handstand) 2×15Hip DROMMonster walks 2×20 ft Warm up: Row 500 m-then 2 rounds of: (PVC –> BB)7 Kang Squats6
Mobility and Movement Screening
Saturday February 8 Prehab: Foam Roll T-spineSuper Rack StretchCalf stretching on plate (bend and extend the knee) Warm up: Run 400m -then 2 rounds of: Goblet Squats x12Walking Lunges with
Competition Season
Saturday, February 1, 2014 Prehab: Keg DrillSuper rack stretch Monster walks Warm up: (PVC –> BB) 7 Good mornings7 Front squats7 Position 1 High pulls3 position clean Strength
How To Deal With DOMS
Saturday 1/25/14 Prehab: Foam Roll T-spine 1-2 Snow Angels x20 with 2.5lb Wall Squats xPVC x15 Warm-up: Junk Yard Dog x5 2 rds (with PVC then BB) 7 Good
OGAR Strong
Saturday 1/18/14 Prehab: Super rack stretch x30” Calf stretch on Plate (alt between knees flexed and extended) x30” Bar Assisted Squats x30” (osscilations) Warm-up: 400m jog -then- 50’ Bear
Saturday, January 11, 2014 Prehab: Hip DROM Cobra Stretch 5×10″ Super rack Stretch 30″ Calve stretching on Plate 5×5″ (alt between flexed and extended knee) Warm up: 400 m
Stay Healthy My Friends
Saturday Jan 4, 2013 Pre-hab: Scapular Push ups/Circles(Clockwise/counter) x15 each?Banded Overhead DistractionSuper rack stretch Warm up: 400m Jog -then- 2rounds Jumping Lunges x20 Mountain Climbers x205 Push Press5 Push Jerk5