Don’t Be Afraid To Fail
Saturday, May 17, 2014 Bring a Friend Day! Prehab: Prone Snow Angels x20 (2.5#) Monster walks x20′ Band Assisted squats x10 Warm up: Jog 400m Junk Yard Dog x5 Hip
Perform The Prehab with Perfect Form
Saturday, May 10, 2014 Prehab: Hip DROMProne Snow angels x20Side Planks 2×30″Bird Dogs 2×10 Warm up: 2 rounds:5 Pull ups10 KBS15 Goblet Squats Strength: 4X1 minutes Rack Hold with Double
Time To Learn a New Skill
Saturday May 3, 2014 Prehab Wall Squats 2×10Doorway Stretch 2×30″Prone Snow Angels x20 (2-5# weight) Warm-up 50′ High Knees50′ Butt Kicks50’ Bear crawl50′ Crab Walk50′ Lunges50′ Burpee Broad
Don’t Let Your Ego Injure Your Back
Saturday, April 26, 2014 Prehab: Wall Squats x10Doorway StretchProne Snow Angels x20 (2# weight) Warm up: -With a partner- Row 1k (switch every 250m)While Partner rows, complete 10 push
Hyperthermic Conditioning: Next Best Thing?
Saturday April 19, 2014 Prehab: 10 Wall Squats10 Inch Worms10 Fire Hydrants Warm up: Junk Yard Dog x5 2 Rounds:8 Good Mornings7 BTN Push Press (snatch grip)6 OHS5 Snatch
Stretching with a Purpose
Saturday April 12, 2014 Bring a Friend Day! Here’s your chance to show your friends a good time! All levels are welcome! Prehab: Overhead band distractionSuper Rack stretchProne snow angels
National Pro Fitness league
Saturday April 5, 2014 Prehab: Bar assisted squats x10Fire Hydrants x15Side Planks x45″ Warm up: Junk yard dog-then-Walk with single KB overhead -50′ forward/backward/lateral10 KB snatches (10R/L)10 Goblet squats Strength: 15
Anterior Shoulder Pain
Saturday March 29, 2014 Prehab: SuperRack stretch x30″Pigeon Stretch x30″Prone PVC dislocates x10Prone Snow angels x20 Warm up: Run 800m-then 2 rounds of- 10 Wall Facing Squats10 Wall Extensions10 BTN
Give Yourself a Break
Saturday March 22 10:30 am class in Venice is CANCELLED for the Travis Brewer Calisthenics Clinic from 11-noon. Prehab: Snow Angels x20Bird Dogs x15Handstand Hold x45″ Warm up: 2
Post 14.3 Protect Your Back
Saturday March 15, 2014 Bring a friend day! Beginners welcome! Today is your day to show them what crossfit is all about! Pre-hab: Bird dogs 2×15Side Planks 2×45″Handstand holds