Moving Weight
With a partner, and with a 30 minute time limit: Lift 10 Tons (7.5 tons for the ladies) from ground to overhead anyhow. 10 tons = 20,000 lbs 7.5 tons
Same Sh*t Different Day!
5 Rounds for Quality of: 5 Back Squats 4 Weighted Strict Pullups, holding hollow Rest as needed, then perform “Tabata Something Else” Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work
Tabata What?!
“Tabata Fight Gone Bad” Complete 40 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest. Perform 8 consecutive intervals of each of the following exercises: Wall ball,
Do Stuff!
Track night tonight at 6:30 at Santa Monica College! 2 Rounds for Quality of: 5 second Ring Support with hands turned out 8 Muscle up Transitions with feet on floor
Warm-up: “Classic Warm-up” 2012 OC Throwdown Qualifier #3 5 Rounds for time: 8 Bar Facing Burpees 8 Deadlifts (225/155) 8 Toes To Bar Post time to comments. Who’s excited????!!!!!! This
A Case of the Mondays
Don’t forget Track night tonight at 6:30 at Santa Monica College! 3 Rounds for Quality of: 4 Turkish Get ups, alternating arms 1 Rope Climb Rest as needed, then perform
Weekend Programming!
Below is the Programming for both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday classes will be Open Gym from 8:30 until 11:30am, On Rampers are welcome to attend as well. Sunday classes
Coming Right up!
Saturday classes will be set up as an open gym from 8:30-11:30, due to the Joshua Tree camping trip. There will still be plenty of help on hand to assist
Back to School.
Warm up with 3 rounds of 5 Heavy Good mornings 100 meter build ups 10 High Box Jumps Rest as needed Ten rounds, each for time of: 100 meter sprint
3 Rounds for Fun of: 60 yard Prowler Push (inside is 3 laps) 40 yard Bear Crawl 10 Basic Dot Drills (youtube video) Rest as needed, then perform 2010 Northwest