Tabata What?!

“Tabata Fight Gone Bad”

Complete 40 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest.  Perform 8 consecutive intervals of each of the following exercises:

Wall ball, 20/14 lb ball, 10 foot target

Sumo-deadlift high pull, 75/55 lbs, (reps)

Box Jump, 20″, (reps)

Push Press, 75/55lbs, (reps)

Row (calories)

There is no additional rest between exercises.

Each exercise is scored by the weakest number of reps (calories on the rower) in each of the eight intervals.

The score is the total of the scores from the five stations.

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The majesty of J-Tree.  Check out more pics on our flickr page or click on any of the pics above.

If you haven’t heard, our third annual rock climbing trip to Joshua Tree was an Epic Win.  By day the sun smiled upon us with perfect weather and heat, making sure the rocks and sand weren’t too sweltering.  On and on, we climbed.  We climbed and climbed, until our fingers and toes gave out, until our calves and ankles couldn’t take anymore.

  We recovered our strength and wit, CrossFitters that we are, and climbed again, taking turns learning, watching, belaying, and teaching and helping each other, until the sun went down turning red rock to blue.  In the chill of night we ate and drank and chilled and partied.  A bunch of us clambered up some rocks to lay down and look at the sky absent LA city lights.  And it seemed to us the stars exploded brilliantly over the clean, cool night sky, in a way few city people have ever seen, and we debated over which ones were stars and which were planets, and who saw a shooting star first (Black Lara has a knack for them) while even the crescent moon lit up most of the rocky valley that is Indian Cove campground.  And even in the third year of J-Tree I still marvelled at the bizarre and otherworldy tree that the park is named after, it defies so many of my (limited) assumptions about biology.

Our hosts and climbers extraordinaire, Peter and Hiromi, were so pleased and taken aback by our group they wanted to do another trip before next year.  And so Martina has secured us campsites from March 2nd to March 4th.  I am, of course, in.  Post to comments if you are IN!  If you already have plans next March, I don’t know what to say.

  And to my fellow J-Tree veterans, I’d like to hear some of your favorite quotes, instructions, and one-liners from the weekend (not that they would be misconstrued as anything but high quality climbing instruction anyway)

“Just shove it in there, twist, and lock!”

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