Heel Cords of a Cheetah
Friday, August 3, 2012 Mobility/Warmup:Jog 400 meters or Row 500 metersKeg Drill, 2 minutesAnkle Mobility, 1 minute each Strength/Skill:12×1 Snatch, 60 seconds rest Notes: Start around 70% or less of
Worth Repeating, Part One
Thursday, August 2nd, 2012 Mobility: Shoulder Prep Gymnastics Warmup: 10 minutes to practice Handstand Walking (new progression below!) 10 minutes to practice Muscleups on the High Rings TEAM WOD! 15
Sink or Swim
Wednesday, August 1, 2012 Remember, Track night at the park near the gym today! Click HERE for the location. Mobility:Row 500 metersDROMFoam Roll legs, 2 minutes each Strength:3 Rounds, not
In the moment
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 Mobility:Hip mobility on box, 1 minuteTricep mash, 1 minute each 10 Front squats with barbell, hold absolute bottom for 3 seconds Strength:2 Back squats (90% of 3
The Whats What
Monday, July 30, 2012 Track night at the park this week! Click HERE for the location. Click HERE for the weekly programming! Mobility:Practice Double Unders, 2 minutes (establish your Max
Malibu Trail Race of Death, Part 2
We will be hosting our 2nd Annual Malibu Trail Race of Death this coming Saturday morning, July 28th! Go for the glory on a crossfit laden trail run through the
I Immediately Regret This Decision!
Saturday, July 28th, 2012 Our Second Malibu Trail Race of Death happens today! Don’t forget about our Second Dance WOD tomorrow also! Mobility:Shoulder Prep Strength: Push Press 3-3-3-3 5 rounds
Yes You Can
Friday, July 27, 2012 Mobility:Row, 2 minutesKeg Drill, 2 minutesHip Mobility, 1 minute each Strength/Skill:Take 15 minutes to practice the 3 Stop snatch pull + 1 Hang Squat snatch Notes:
Sell yourself?
Thursday, July 26th, 2012 Weekend of Crazy!! This Saturday, we’ve got the Mailbu Trail Run of Death, and Sunday classes will have McCoy hosting his second ever Dance WOD! Warm
New Bundle of Joy
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 Today is the last day to get in your Surveys! Sign up for the Malibu Trail Race of Death this Saturday! Mobility/Warmup:Jog 200 meters while jumping