Week of 9/1/2013

Monday – Snatch Day 1) Snatch Pause at bottom of knee: Max Triple 2) Then 3 sets at 5% less then above effort 3) Snatch First Pull w/ 5 second

Ask Questions.

WEDNESDAY 8/21/13 Mobility 10 Inch Worms10 Lat Activations10 Wall Extensions10 Jumping Squats10 Burpees   Classic Strength:  3 Power snatches EMOM for 10 minutes.   Notes: These should be performed without dropping

Week of 8/19/13

Monday – Snatch Day 1) Hang Snatch from Knee: Max Triple 2) 3 sets of complex @ 90% of #1 3) Snatch High Pull: 5 x 3 @ more than

Efficiency and Power

WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY (8/13 – 8/14) Reminder:  The below programming will be performed at MDR on Wednesday and Venice on Thursday due to the EIE discussion happening on the opposing day.  

Week of 8/12/13

Monday – Snatch Day 1) Snatch High Pull x 2 + 1 Snatch – work to a max 2) 3 sets of complex @ 90% of #1 3) Snatch pull to

Why Snatch?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013: Mobility 2 Rounds:15 Bird Dogs, each side10 Side Plank Leg Raises, each side10 Good Mornings w/ BarBehind the Neck Barbell Rack Stretch, 1 minute10 Behind the

Week of 8/5/13

Monday – Snatch Day 1) Snatch Pause at Knee: Max Triple 2) 5 x 3 @ 90% of #1 3) Snatch pull to top of knee then 5 sec descent to

The come down.

Wednesday, July 31st, 2013   Gymnastics! Mobility: DROMTheraband Shoulder Warm Up   3 rounds of Prone HS hold, 30 seconds Standing shoulder extension x 5   3 rounds of Hollow

Week of 7/29/13

  Monday – high volume/intensity in full lifts (or hang) and back squats.  1) Work up to a 1RM 3 Position Snatch (Floor, Hang, Hi Hang) 2) 3 Sets at

The Calm.

Wednesday, July 25 Mobility 2 Rounds:External Rotation w/ Theraband10 Push UpsSide Plank Leg Raises x 1010 Squats10 Wall Extensions5 Burpees   Classic Strength: 15 minutes to establish a 1 RM