Week of 8/5/13

Monday – Snatch Day

1) Snatch Pause at Knee: Max Triple

2) 5 x 3 @ 90% of #1

3) Snatch pull to top of knee then 5 sec descent to floor: 6 sets of 2 reps


Tuesday – Clean & Jerk, Hatch Cycle

1) Clean & Jerk: Pause at bottom of knee: Find Max Double

2)  Then 5 sets of 2 @ 90% of double

3)  Back Squat: 60% x 10, 65% x 8, 70% x 6, 75% x 6, 80% x 6

B) Front Squat: 60% x 5, 70% x 5, 75% x 5, 75% x 5


Thursday – POWER day  (This week, there will be  a competitor meeting taking the place of VBC. You should still try to get the programming in)

1) 5 x 3 Power Snatch from Hips– all sets should be heavy but not sloppy.

2) 5 x 3 Power Clean from Hips – all sets should be heavy but not sloppy.

3a) 5 x 5 Push Press – heaviest possible

 3b) 5 x 5 Pendlay Rows – heavy



1) Snatch from Blocks: Max Triple

2) Clean & Jerk from Blocks: Max Double

3) Back Squat: 60% x 10, 70% x 8, 75% x 8, 80% x 8

4) Front Squat: 60% x 5, 65% x 5, 70% x 5, 70% x 5


Saturday – VBC Sessions with Coach Derrick Johnson

1. MAX OUT DAY!!!! (For most athletes)

2) Find 3RM Front Squat

2. Additional volume technique work will be advised by Coach Derrick.

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