New training cycle has begun.  I am very pleased with everybody’s performance at our summer weightlifting meet 2 weeks ago.  There was great energy and several new records.  I expect

WEEK OF 7/19-7/25

BACK SQUAT WALKOUT Monday –7/20 1) Clean +Front Squat+ Jerk  (2 cleans+2 front squats+1 jerk) 80% 5×2+2+1 2) Clean off block 3×5 80% 3) Clean Pull (5 sec. pause at shin

WEEK OF 7/12-7/18

Monday –7/13 1) Hang Power Snatch from shin (3 sec. pause at shin and 3 sec. descent) 70% 5×5 (speed) 2) Snatch (3 sec. pause at knee) 75% 5×3 (speed) 3)

Week of 7/5-7/11

BEND OVER SQUAT Monday –7/6 1) Hang Power Snatch from shin (3 sec. pause at shin and 3 sec. descent) 70% 3×5 (speed) 2) Snatch (3 sec. pause at knee) 75%


  Thanks to everybody who made our first ever weightlifting competition this past Saturday a reality!  Thanks to everyone who came out.  There was alot of good lifting and of energy!

-WEEK OF 6/29-7/5

Monday –6/29 1) Hang Power Snatch from Knee 65% 5×3 2) Alternating Dumbbell Lunge 3×10 3) Med Ball Throw 3×5 (throw behind straight up) 4) Bench Press 5×6 80% Tuesday – 6/2

WEEK OF 6/22-6/27

Monday –6/22 1) Snatch 90% 2×1, 80%x 1+1 2) Clean and Jerk 85% 2×1+1 3) Snatch Pull 80% 2×1+1+1, 90% 3×1 (no straps) 4) Back Squat 50%x5, 60%x5, 70%x5, 80% 3×1+1+1