Knees to Elbows

Click HERE for a demo with explanation.   Safety Tip:  If you do not have a quality overhead position, be careful performing high volume reps of this movement with the

MOVEMENT DEMOS | Inverted Burpee

This is similar to a situp to stand and a handstand.  Stay in your comfort zone!

Heaving Snatch Balance

Part of our Snatch Skill Transfer Series, click HERE for a demo with explanation. Safety tip:  Prioritize a quality Overhead Position before depth or weight!   Mobility Suggestions: Lots of Mobility needed

Wall Walks

Click HERE to watch Diso and G perform this movement in a workout.   The standard is to touch your chest to the wall each rep, but stay in your comfort


Watch this movement performed in a workout with Diso and G HERE.   Mobility Suggestions:   Pigeon Stretch or Pigeon on Box Hip Extension with Band Groiners or Groiners with

Forearm Plank

Don’t let those hips sag!  Your body should be in the Hollow Position!

Ring Support

  Click HERE for a demo with explanation.   Do you know about the Hollow Body position?   Mobility Suggestions: Keg Drill T-spine smash External Rotation Smash with Lacrosse

Parallette Shoot Through

Click HERE for a workout demo with G and Diso performing this movement.  You must have a solid understanding of the Hollow Body Position to perform this movement correctly.  To