Healthy and Happy

5 Rounds for time of: Run 400 meters 25 GHD sit ups 25 Hip Extensions Post times to comments. In case you haven’t heard me discuss it, I’m a big

Variety Show

3 Rounds for time of: 12 Muscle Ups 75 Squats Post time to comments. More weight means more fun! We dictate the programming for the group classes, but there is

Baby Steps out the door

“Barbara“ 5 Rounds each for time of: 20 Pull ups 30 Push ups 40 Sit ups 50 Squats Rest precisely 3 minutes between rounds. Post time of rounds and total

The Rest of the Year

As fate would have it, I have the last rest day post of the year and I say to hell with rest!  We will be open at 6am, 10am, noon

Yes, we’re serious

Row 5k Post times to comments. Come on down and beat your score from 2 days ago!  There is a huge neurological aspect to this stuff.  You know the distance,

Respect…The Snatch

Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Post Loads to comments. Throwin’ them ‘bows The video link from above is one of my favorites, its entitled “Lifting at Lunch with Coach Burgener.”  For those of


Row 5k Post times to comments. Watch some rowing videos here.

Happy Holidays

Bench Press  1-10-1-20-1-30 Post sum of each load to comments. The closest I had to Santa Merry Christmas all!  Come on in at 10am and tomorrow at 10 and 11am!

Taste the Olive

Deadlift 1-10-1-20-1-30 Post sum of loads in comments.   My life outside of the gym is life in the kitchen.  I absolutely believe that everyone should be cooking the majority


Front Squat 1-10-1-20-1-30 Post sum of the loads to comments. Fondo 12,500ft over Perris Valley The charter of CrossFit is to increase human performance, with “Forging Elite Fitness,” as the