25 Days to go!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Row 250 meters
10 Wall Extensions
Hip Mobility on Box, 90 seconds each
10 Wall Extensions
Row 250 meters

Gymnastics Warmup Introduction (Read Below)

Workout of the Day:
Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

You can use a squat clean or power clean, split jerk or push jerk.  The bar must start on the floor and finish in a full locked out position overhead.

Cool Down:
100 Abmat Situps
Sampson Stretch, 30 seconds each
10 Wall Extensions
Plow, 90 seconds
10 Wall Extensions

Take a look at our “What are you Training for?” goals board and you will see a trend:  people want to get stronger and they want to do a muscle up!  Our goal with this new Gymnastics Warmup is to develop a framework for building basic strength, flexibility, body awareness and understanding of bodyweight movements.  By reinforcing the quality movement standards, we will become more efficient in our workouts and increase our overall athletic abilities.

The program was taken from Leo Soubottine at CrossFit Evolution.

  In his words:  Another reason for the warm-up is the fact that development in gymnastics comes from constant and consistent practice. Take a handstand: past a certain competency it does not need to be coached all the time, but to develop it to the point of being able to walk 50-100 feet and hold it strict and hollow for any amount of time, the athlete has to inevitably spend a lot of time on his or her hands. This is similar to the way the snatch is better developed by daily practice of the Burgener Warm-Up and not by a once-a-month one-hour snatch extravaganza.  Athletes are separated into four levels, each with its own set of exercises and progressions geared toward achievement of more and more challenging goals.

Most goals, however, are written with CrossFit performance in mind, so do not mistake this as a program of pure gymnastics training.

I couldn’t agree more!  Below you will find a breakdown for skill levels and each level is then broken into a two day program.  Don’t be intimidated by the information, we will be performing these series regularly and helping you along the way.  Each of the movements has a video link to go along with it as well.

  Once a skill level has been established, we will keep you at that level for at least 4 weeks.  Enjoy the information and training and lets get more muscle ups over the coming months!

Click on your Level to see the breakdown!

Basic – No requirements. Everyone can start here.
Intermediate Minus – 3 dead-hang pull-ups, handstand hold (against a wall), 3 ring dips, overhead squat x 15 reps (45/33 lb. for
men and women, respectively).
Intermediate– 1 muscle-up (kipping, partial ROM), partial HSPU (against a wall).
Advanced – 1 muscle-up (dead-hang, full ROM), HSPU (full ROM, against a wall), pistol.

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