Tuesday, May 31, 2016

PCF University begins next week, and we even have an online course option! We will have Prehab2Perform, “Sunday Mass”, and Muscle Ups.

PCF University Handstand class is now online! Email us for a member-only discount code 🙂

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Massive Memorial Day Murph crew!!


Super Rack Stretch
2×10 Single arm bent over KB row
2×10 hip extensions on GHD


6min AMRAP:
100m Run
6 KB goblet squats
6 KB deadlifts
6 Pushups with one arm on KB (3 each side)


20 minutes to find:
1 RM Deadlift

Notes: Load is dictated by form. Ask a coach to watch you as you approach your one rep max.


Elizabeth (Time)
Clean, 135# / 95#
Ring Dips

Notes: These are SQUAT cleans.
L1: DB squat cleans 15/10, push-ups
L2: 95/65, Banded dips
Rx: 135/95
Cool Down
Foam Roll Lats
Stretch Shoulders
Foam Roll Legs

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