The Drama

Weekly Programming:  Group Class, Venice Barbell Club 

Monday, May 20, 2013


Supine Overhead Stretch with PVC
Monster Walks
Supported Ankle Stretch
Side Plank


7 minutes to establish a 3rm OH Squat (Regional Workout #2)

Notes: Bar must be taken from the ground. You will be given ample time to warm up before the OH Squat test begins. If you cannot overhead squat below parallel, perform a front squat.

Classic Conditioning:

30 Burpee Pull-ups for Time

12 min cap-

Notes: The bar should be approximately a foot above reach, lower into a jumping style if needed.

Advanced Conditioning:

30 Burpee Muscle-Ups for Time (Regional Workout #3)

Notes: The workout calls for a 7 min cap, you may hold yourself to this cap, otherwise the advanced and classic athletes will have 12 minutes to complete this workout. Scale accordingly.

Cool Down:

Standing Wall Extensions, 2×10
PVC Dislocates, 2×10


 The Team.



The fans.


After a 4th place finish in the SoCal Region this weekend, we are exhausted and excited for the future.  We are still down in San Diego as I write this and I can only say thank you to all the PCFers that came down to support throughout the weekend.  There was everything one could have asked for:  amazing performances, unexpected failures, judging drama, athlete drama and Paradiso CrossFit domination!

We promise to post more on the weekend, but for now we are relaxing, basking in the afterglow and planning for next year.  This weeks programming is dedicated to our team, have fun:)

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