Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog
Kendrick Farris and Derrick Johnson Training Sessions
Venice Barbell Club and Paradiso CrossFit have an amazing opportunity in two weeks to host both an Olympian and an Olympic hopeful for a two day lifting and coaching session.
The Good.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 Mobility ROLL OUT!Prehab for hips and shoulders (Use something from the last few days that creates change for you)Assisted Bottom of the Squat Strength
Too close.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013 Group Prehab: Downward Dog Ankle Stretch, 2x 10 repsSide Planks, 30seconds each side or 20 repsMonster Walks, 20ft each direction Strength: High Bar Back Squat: 3X3
Monday Base Camp: Warm up: 5 Rounds of: 10 push ups 10 sit ups 10 squats Skill: Broad jumps Conditioning: 10 minute amrap of: 6 burpees 6 lunges 6 side
Rhyme or Reason, Part 3
The data is being compiled and all forms should be turned in! We will narrow down the field to the top 20 athletes for your vote this week and the
Always Learning…
Sunday, April 14, 2013 Remember that this is the last day to complete your EIE challenge data! Mobility: Internal rotation smash w/barbellKeg drillAssisted bottom of squat Classic Strength: 7×2 Hang
Start small.
EIE Post Party is one week from today at the Venice location from 3-7pm! Mark your calendar and invite your friends and family too! Not only will we be
A Story of a Life.
Friday, April 12, 2013 Mobility: Assisted Bottom of SquatPosterior Chain FlossBanded Shoulder Distraction Strength: High Bar Back Squat4×4 @70%- Rest 30 Seconds3×3 @75%- Rest 30 Seconds3×2 @80%- Rest 45 Seconds
Taking Away
Thursday, April 11, 2013 Warm up/Mobility: Jog 400 metersPosterior Chain Floss, 30 seconds perOverhead band distraction, 30 seconds per Strength: 10 min Vo2 Max KB Snatch: Notes: For ten minutes,
Day 1.
Send your friend, wife or girlfriend over to check out the Women’s only classes! The first class is FREE and available to any fitness or experience level! Wednesday, April 10,