Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Being a Team Player

Track Night at 7pm – Sign up HERE! How much water have you had to drink today?? Tuesday, February 18th, 2014 Prehab: Foam Roll IT Band/Quads Monster Walks Ankle Stretch Warm

Stay Hydrated My Friends

EIE CHALLENGE WEEK 5: Our goal for this week is to focus on hydration.  The general recommendation is to consume half of your bodyweight in ounces of water per day (or

Week of 2/17/2014

Monday – Snatch Day 1) Snatch: Find 1 Rep Max. Then 1 x 2 @ 90% and 1 x 2 @ 85% of 1RM. 2) Snatch Balance: 3 x 3 @

3rd Annual St. Valentine’s Day Massacre

On Saturday, February 15, 2014 West Coast Strength & Conditioning (home of Crossfit Ventura) will host the THIRD ANNUAL St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, a coed, two person team competition. This

Walnut Pesto

Sunday, February 16, 2014 Yoga at 8pm at Venice  – Sign up HERE! Mobility: Monster walksKeg drill, 2 minutesGristle/Groiners Warm-up: Jog 200 meters20 Walking lunges10 Burpees Agility: 5 Rounds, alternating

Selective Functional Movement Assessments

Saturday February 15, 2014   Prehab: Scapular Push ups (attempt in handstand) 2×15Hip DROMMonster walks 2×20 ft Warm up: Row 500 m-then 2 rounds of: (PVC –> BB)7 Kang Squats6

Newbie Corner

EIE Challenge Homework this week is No Eating Out.  With the weekend right around the corner, this is a perfect time to pull out those paleo cookbooks.  See if you