Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Summer Shakedown

2014 Summer Shakedown is coming!! So far we have 5 kick ass teams headed out to compete and it would be awesome to get a big crowd out to show

Shakedown Saturday

Saturday, September 6, 2014 Check the schedule!  Venice will be closed today because most of your coaches are competing at the Shakedown. Don’t forget about the Sole Bike Sale at

Back Squats

Friday, September 5, 2014 Prehab: Wrist and Calf Stretches 2 min Hang from Bar/Rings Leg Swings Lat Activations Warmup: 400m Row 2 Rounds: 5 Inchworms 10 Pushups 10 Squats 10

Join Us For the Santa Monica Pier Concert Tonight!

All late night classes cancelled tonight.  Head out to the Santa Monica pier anytime around 7pm for the twilight concert series.  We will be setup near the volleyball courts! Thursday


Wednesday, September 3, 2014 PreHab Overhead Band Distaction Gristle/Groiner Bird Dogs Warm Up 2 Rounds (w/ two light kettlebells) 10 Single Leg Deadlifts, each leg 10 Walk Lunges with KBs

Across Lincoln Success!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014 Reminder to get your meat orders in by Friday!  Click HERE for how this works! Prehab Fire Hydrants Lat Activations Gristle Groiners Warm Up 2 X

Week of 9/1/14

This week is weird with Labor Day and Thursday’s session will be on Wednesday this week. I will write the programming normally and we will combine days as needed. Monday –

5 Year Anniversary!

Limited Class times today:  8:30 and 10am at both locations and 11:30 Beach Workout! Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, Gymnastics, Barbell Club Monday, September 1 Happy Labor Day and 5


Sunday, August 31, 2014 Prehab: Keg drill, 2 minutes Posterior chain floss Scapula Push ups Samson stretch Warm-up: Jog 200 meters With a light kettlebell: 10 1-arm thrusters (per side)

The Wedge

Saturday, August 30 Beach WOD at 11:30 am! Prehab: Foam Roll T-spine x2min Banded squats x15 Side Planks with Side Kicks 2×15 Warm up: Run 400m -then 2 rds of-