Shakedown Saturday

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Check the schedule!  Venice will be closed today because most of your coaches are competing at the Shakedown.

Don’t forget about the Sole Bike Sale at 9am!


Hip DROM x2′
Monster walks 2×20″
Keg Drill x2-3′

Warm-up: (for quality)

200m run
8 push ups
12 ring rows
16 squats
12 ring rows
8 push ups
200m run


Three sets with 30 seconds rest between movements:

60 Seconds of Tuck Ring Support Hold with turnout
60 Seconds of Handstand Walking progression

Notes:  The tuck with a turn out is harder than it seems.  Use a band and don’t worry about the tuck if needed.  For the handstand walking you may hold the handstand or perform shoulder taps if needed to build strength.


Five sets against a 3 minute running clock, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:

20 Pull-Ups?or Ring Rows
30 Push-Ups
40 Sit-Ups
50 Squats

Rest 2 minutes between sets, and pick up the next set where you left off

Notes:  Be hard on yourself with the standards for every rep!



Three sets with 30 seconds rest between movements:

60 Seconds of L-Seated Ring Support Hold
60 Seconds of Handstand Walk

Notes:  Do not hold the Lsit on rings if you cannot maintain the turnout, scale down to a tuck or normal ring support and accumulate as much time as possible during the 60 seconds.  Use the handstand walking progressions if you do not yet have your handstand walk…

learn to get comfortable with the sensation of “falling.”


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:

3 Squat Snatches (135/95 lbs)
6 Burpees Over the Barbell
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Rest 3 minutes, perform two sets.

Notes:  If you cannot perform a squat snatch at this weight, try to perform a power snatch plus an overhead squat.

  This is an important weight to get comfortable with!  Score each round separately.

Cool Down:

2 rds
GHD hip extensions 12-15 reps (3 sec down-1 sec up)
Single Arm kneeling KB press 8-10 reps
Hollow Holds 30 sec
Couch stretch x60″
Doorway stretch x60″

2014 Summer Shakedown is upon us!! So far we have 7 kick ass teams, including many of YOUR coaches and fellow athletes headed out to compete and it would be awesome to get a big crowd out to show our support! Bring your cheerleading attitude, cameras and all your friends to root on PCF! As a result of the competition, we will be having a limited schedule.

Venue: Crossfit RepScheme – Northridge

Click here for more info!

If you can’t make the event, Sole Bikes will be having their sample sale tomorrow in the PCF parking lot. So stop by and get a brand new sets of wheels at a nice discount!

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