Paradiso CrossFit WOD Blog

Memorial Day Murph

Monday, May 25, 2015 Class will only be at 10am at Venice today! Today we will be performing a traditional CrossFit workout called “Murph” in honor of all of those men

WEEK OF 5/25-5/31

Monday –5/25 1) Power Clean and Jerk 60% 3×2 2) Hatch Week 11, Day 1 (only Back Squat) 3) Snatch 85% 3×2 4) Snatch Pull 100% 3×3 Tuesday – 5/26 1) Power Snatch

May 24

Sunday, May 24, 2015 Due to the CrossFit Games California Regionals and Memorial Day tomorrow, we will have a limited schedule.   Only Venice will be open today.  Be sure to

California Super Regionals!

When: Friday 5/22 – Sunday 5/24 It’s almost time to go down to the Dal Mar Fairgrounds to cheer on our own *LG Thunder* as she competes alongside 39 fittest women

May 22

Friday, May 22, 2015 Due to the CrossFit Games California Regionals most of our coaches will be in del Mar supporting LG!   The gym will still be open, but certain

May 21

Thursday, May 21, 2015 Prehab: Monster walks, 10 each direction Super rack stretch, 30 seconds each Wrist and ankle mobility, 2 minutes 10 Scapula push ups 10 Wall extensions Warm-up:

May 20

Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Regionals and Memorial Day Weekend coming up! Be sure to check Wodify for schedule changes. Signup for the Summer Weightlifting meet by the end of the

May 23

Saturday, May 23, 2015 Due to the CrossFit Games California Regionals most of our coaches will be in del Mar supporting LG!   Only MDR will be open today, so be

May 19

May 19, 2015 Regionals and Memorial Day Weekend coming up! Be sure to check Wodify for schedule changes. Signup for the Summer Weightlifting meet by tomorrow.  Cost is free for