May 24

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Due to the CrossFit Games California Regionals and Memorial Day tomorrow, we will have a limited schedule.   Only Venice will be open today.  Be sure to check Wodify in advance and don’t forget that tomorrow is Beach Murph at 10am!  Friends and family can join for free:)


10 Dislocates
10 Good Mornings
1 minute Bottom of Squat
Ankle mobility, 1 minute
Samson stretch, 30 seconds each


2 minute Double under practice
10 Wall squats
10 Burpees
10 KB Deadlift
10 KB Russian Swings
10 Goblet Squats

Cool down:

Couch stretch, 30 seconds each
10 Wall extensions
Staddle stretch, 1 minute
Calf stretch, 30 seconds each


EMOM for 30 min:

Odd: 8 Russian KB Swings + 6 No push-up burpee
Even: 5 Goblet Squats + 25 Double Unders

Notes:  The prescribed weight is 32/24kg. Please scale the double unders to 50 single unders.


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