It’s log, it’s log, it’s better than bad it’s GOOD!

Sunday, May 27, 2012 Mobility:Row 500 meters10 Wall extensions2 minute keg drill Warm-up:Take 12 minutes to work up to a heavy single Snatch.  Take no more than 5 heavy attempts.Take

Future Foreseen

Saturday, May 26, 2012 Mobility:Hip Prep Strength:Take 15 minutes to set a baseline for the 20 rep Back Squat. Take 15 minutes to set a baseline for 2RM weighted Pull

The 4 Minute Mile

 Friday, May 25, 2012 Check out the new Endurance Training Blog on the left!  The first weekly post will begin next week! Mobility: 1 min single unders Hip Mobility with

Perfect Practice

Thursday, May 24 , 2012 Mobility:Jog 400Hip mobility on box Warm up:3 Position Snatch, 7 x 1, resting 60 seconds between sets (Beginners are High hang/mid thigh/floor.  Advanced are Floor/mid

Out on the Town

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 One Week until the Mile Time Trial!  Also, we will have a limited schedule this Sunday and Monday due to Memorial Day! Mobility: Row 300 meters


Tuesday, May 22, 2012 Mobility: Hip mobility with band, 1 minute each 10 PVC dislocates Rack mobility, 30 seconds each Warm-up: 5 Rounds of: 2 Squat clean and jerks, rest

Divine Porcine

Sunday, May 20, 2012 Schedule Update!!!  As of today, Sunday Rowing Class will take place at 8am! Mobility:10 Wall extensionsBar activations from Shoulder PrepReverse Plank, 30 seconds Warm-up:Jog 400 meters10

Fun in the Sun!

Saturday, May 19, 2012 Today’s WOD will be a 2 person Team WOD involving Wall Ball shots, funny looking jumping drills, and Power Snatches.   Red. It’s Team WOD Saturday! 

Running Tales

Friday, May 18, 2012 Mobility: 10 Wall Extensions 10 PVC Dislocates Hip Mobility on Box, 90 seconds each Warmup: Take 15 minutes to load up on your Deadlift.  Between sets,

Lessons Learned and Born Anew

Thursday, May 17th, 2012 Warm up and Mobility:Row 500 metersShoulder Prep 3 to 5 rounds of:5 Handstand Kick ups10 Pistols5 second Hanging L-Sit or Tuck sit3 Strict Pull ups 21-15-9 reps