It Matters.
Thursday, November 8, 2012 Mobility:2 minutes jump rope/double under practice60 seconds Posterior Chain Floss, each leg60 seconds Super Rack, each arm 2 minutes jump rope/double under practice Barbell Gymnastics: Perform 1
Weightlifting and Math. And Hips, always Hips.
Wednesday 11/7/12 Mobility:Elbows to Knees, 1 minute10 Squats10 Goblet Squats w/ Kettlebell10 LunglesReverse Plank, 1 minuteSide to Side Push Ups, 5 each side10 Hanging Lat Activation Gymnastics Warmup:3 rounds or 15
Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up: Row 500 meters Spend 10 quality minutes working your problem areas. Prioritize as time permits. Rack mobility: Super rack, Tricep mash, Trap smash Hip mobility:
2nd Annual Beach Cruiser Triathalon
Join us on Sunday, November 4th for our 2nd Annual Beach Cruiser Triathalon! DETAILS HAVE ALREADY BEEN SENT OUT TO ALL ATHLETES AND VOLUNTEERS! CONTACT US ASAP IF YOU WOULD
C.A.L Saturday Night Lights (@Goldenstate Crossfit)
Partner Competition at Goldenstate Crossfit (Olympic and Sepulveda). One guy and One girl. You can still sign up. There is an advanced or intermediate and beginner division. The event starts
Mash it up!
Sunday, November 4, 2012 Don’t forget to set your clocks back! Extra hour of sleep! Woot! No Morning Classes today due to the 2nd Annual Beach Cruiser Triathalon! Mobility/Warm-up:Jog 400
Ready for Rx’d?
Saturday, November 3rd, 2012 Warmup/Mobility:5min Double under practiceHip Extension with a band Posterior Chain Flossing with BandTricep mash5 front squats with bar5 strict presses with a bar5 hang squat cleans with
Papa needs a new pair of shoes
Friday, November 2, 2012 Details have already been send out to all athletes and volunteers for the Beach Cruiser Triathalon! Contact us ASAP if you would like to sign up! Warmup/Mobility:Jog 400
CrossFit 201 – Nutrition Talk!
Nutrition is the cornerstone of your Health and Fitness and something we all have in common! We want to provide you with the tools and resources necessary for making educated
Happy Halloween!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Make sure to wear your Halloween costume during the workout!!! Mobility/Warm Up:Front/Side leg swings- 30 sec each leg/directionAssisted bottom of Squat– 1 minute20 meter single right