Black Friday
Friday, November 22, 2012 Regular classes resume today with limited hours in the morning. Make sure to check the schedule! Warmup/Mobility: Row 500m The Classic CrossFit Warm up: -2-3 Rounds
Don’t Do Nothing!
Thursday, November 22, 2012 OPEN GYM TODAY FROM 7:30-11:30 am…GOBBLE, GOBBLE! Mobility/Warm up:Olympic Wall Squat, 2 minutesShoulder Prep Build up to a Heavy Complex of: 1 Snatch + 1 Overhead
Through Stress Adaptation
Mobility:Run 400mDROMShoulder Mobility Gymnastics/Body control, for quality, 15 minutes continuously: 5 Presses to Headstand, split or tuck 5 Strict or L-Pull ups 10 PVC OH Squats, 10 seconds descent, explode
Weekend Update!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up:5 minutes of Double Under warm-up10 Wall squatsPosterior FlossingAssisted bottom of squat10 Good mornings w/ bar Strength:Back Squat (please read the directions carefully): Set 1: 1
Mobility Craft Night!!!
We will be hosting a “Mobility Craft Night” at the Box on Sunday, November 18, 2012 during normal open gym hours (4:30-6:30 PM). Our goal has been, and always will
Open all week!
Monday, November 19, 2012 We are open every day this week, but be sure to check the schedule for class time changes! Click HERE for the weekly programming! Mobility:Keg DrillAnkle
Legendary Competitor – Olympic Lifting Meet
Join us for an all levels Olympic Lifting Meet on Saturday, November 17th! This is meant to be something a little different and a great motivation for your training! The
Battle of the Boxes
Find a team and register for this Team CrossFit event hosted at CrossFit Ventura on Saturday, November 17th! Affiliate teams will be made up of 4 athletes (2 men and
Sauteed Cabbage with Bacon, duh!
Sunday, November 18, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up:Jog 400 metersDROM, wrist mobility, rack mobility of choice, 2 minutes10 PVC dislocates10 PVC Sotts press10 PVC Split jerks30 second Handstand hold15 Hip extensions15 GHD sit-ups
Know Thy Other!
Saturday, November 17th 2012 Remember Your Socks! Mobility/Warmup:run 400mKeg Drill 2minAssisted bottom of the Squat 2min2 rounds;10 wall squats10 pullups10 push ups 10 GHD situps Spend time working up to a