13.1 Mile Saturday Run Club – Beach Side Run through MDR/Venice/Samo
Half Marathon! 13.1 Miles – Easy Tempo Training run We will start at the PCF Venice gym and head to the boardwalk and run south to MDR and back (~5
Winter Shakedown
Come support The PCF Team at the Winter Shakedown. The four person team representing PCF will be James McCoy, Joseph Dieguez, Lara Erlank and Jessica Suver. Teams from all over
Sunday Funday!
Sunday, February 3, 2013 Reminder! Farmbox Delivery tomorrow betweeen 10 and noon! Kettlebell Class TODAY- 10am in Venice! Mobility/Warm-up: Jog 400 or Row 500Hip extension with bandSuper rackLat activations +
Why not?
Saturday, February 2, 2013 Bring a Friend (or enemy) Day! Group Mobility/Warmup: Run 400mDROMInch Worm10 SquatsGristle and Groiners10 Burpees Strength: 5 rounds for Quality: 5 Strict Pullups10 Ring Pushups Rest
The Happiest Race on Earth, Part 2
Friday February 1, 2013 Bring a Friend (or Enemy) Day Tomorrow! Mobility: Keg DrillOverhead Band DistractionPVC DislocatesAssisted Bottom of the SquatPigs On Ice SkatesOver and Under Fence Group Warmup: Review
The Crossfit Open Registration Begins
The crossfit open is the largest corssfit event. Everyone around the world has the opportunity to participate. The workouts are designed to be very inclusive. You will perform one workouts
Comp Stuff!
January 31, 2013 Moblity: DROMSuper rack, 1 minute perAnkle mobility, 1 minute perPosterior Chain Floss, 1 minute per Group Warm up: 5 Hang Muscle Cleans5 Hang Power Cleans5 Power CleansStrict
Attaining those Goals
Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Mobility: Run 400m or Row 500mShoulder Prep (as a group) Gymnastics Warm-up: 4 rounds or 20 minutes for Quality: 50ft Handstand walk or 20 Shoulder Taps3
Worth repeating.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013 Mobility/Warm-up: DROM15 Good Mornings (bar only)15 GHD Sit upsGristle/GroinersPigs on skates Strength: Every 30 seconds for 5:00 minutes (22 total reps): 2 Banded Deadlifts with 60%
Coming Soon
Monday January 28, 2012 Weekly programming links: Group Class, BBG, Gymnastics! Bring a Friend (or enemy) Day on Saturday! Mobility: Ankle Mobility Assisted Bottom of the Squat Hip Extension with