Monkey See Monkey Do
Saturday, January 3, 2014 Prehab: Side Plank with side Kicks 2×10-15 Scap Push ups 2×10 Barbell Assisted Squat 2×60″ Warm up: Row 250m -then 2 rds- 10 Mountain Climbers 10
How Far We’ve Come
Saturday, December 27 Bring your friends and family day! Be sure to have them fill out a waiver and reserve their spot in class in advance HERE! Prehab: Foam Roll
PCF Holiday Bowl!
Saturday, December 20, 2014 Prehab: Keg Drill 2-3 min Wall Squats 2×10 Prone Snow Angels x20 Warm up: 2 min Jump Rope (Singles, doubles, triples) -then 2 rounds- With one
Kickin it For Kelly WOD!
Saturday, December 6, 2013 Kickin’ it for Kelly Fundraiser Details: MDR will be closed for this event. Heats will be running from 9am-Noon every half hour. We ask
Importance of Why We Emphasize “Knees Out”
Saturday, November 29 Bring a Friend or Family member for Free today!! Click HERE to sign them up in advance under the Free Trial section. Prehab: Hip DROM Fire Hydrants
Stand up Fighting and Self Defense with Causey!
Saturday, November 22, 2014 Introduction to Stand up Fighting and Self Defense with Alexandra Causey today at Venice at Noon! Prehab: Calf Stretching: 2×30″ Bar Assisted squat 2×60″
Battle of The Boxes
Saturday, November 15, 2014 Come out to support our teams at Battle of the Boxes at the Ventura County Fairgrounds! Click HERE for all the details on their FB group.
Kickin’ it For Kelly
Saturday, November 8, 2014 Prehab: Keg drill 2-3 min Wall squats 2×10 Banded squats 2×10 Warm up: Row 300m -then- (2 rds with Barbell) 7 Straight leg DL 6 Back
PCF World Championships Are Today!
Saturday, November 1 Paradiso CrossFit World Championships at Venice Muscle Beach today from 11am-4:30pm! Everyone is encouraged to participate in as many of the “Dirty Dozen” events as they
When Life Gives You Lemons
Saturday, October 25, 2014 Prehab: Monster squats 2×20″ Banded squats 2×10 (Fat band around knees-focus on knees out) Calf Stretching on plate x45″ Warm up: 2 Min Jump Rope -then-