Stand up Fighting and Self Defense with Causey!

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Introduction to Stand up Fighting and Self Defense with Alexandra Causey today at Venice at Noon!



Calf Stretching: 2×30″
Bar Assisted squat 2×60″
Banded Squats 2×10

Warm up:

Run 200m
2 rds of:
5 Wall Balls
8 Box Jump ups/step downs
20 Double Unders

Fitness and Advanced



5 Rounds:
Run 400 meters
30 Box Jumps
30 Wall Balls

-30 minute cap-

 Notes:  Prescribed is 24”/20” and 20/14 wall balls to a 10′ target.  Scale to be sure to finish under the time cap.  New athletes should perform 15-20 reps per round with a 20 minute time cap.


With the remaining time in class, perform 2-3 rounds of:

L-sit x 30-45 seconds
Weighted Hip Extensions x 10-15 reps
Weighted Side Stretch x 5 reps each side

Notes:  There is no time component to this, so rest as needed between movements.  Prescribed for the Lsit is feet over 2x45lb plates.  Scale as needed to accumulate a minimum of :30.  Only add weight to the hip extension if you can perform 15 reps with no weight.

  Use a 5-10lb plate for the side stretch.

Cool Down:

Banded Couch Stretch x2′
Banded Pigeon Stretch x2′
Foam Roll Quads/ITB/HS 2-3′

Alex Causey

One of the most valuable skills you can learn in life is how to properly defend yourself, and others if faced by an attacker. I hope that you are never put in a situation where self defense is necessary, but we live in a world of uncertainty, where this kind of stuff happens, most of the time when least expected.

Crossfit helps develop our ability to avoid a situation by improving our running, jumping, and climbing abilities. But if you are unable to use any of these skills to avoid danger, you must learn how to properly protect and defend yourself.

Alexandra, is a Judo Instructor, 2nd degree black belt, a blue belt in Jiu-jitsu, 3 time Naval Academy Brigade Boxing Champion, a Marine Corps Martial Arts Program Instructor, and is the inspiration behind all the Jason Bourne movies.  She is the perfect instructor for the average Joe because as a woman she is used to being undersized, but not under prepared. No matter what age, weight, gender, or skill level, you will walk away from this class feeling much more confident and prepared for any potential threat you may face. 

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