In Search of The Zone

Friday, March 2, 2012 Be sure to get your sectional workout scores input into the CrossFit Games website by 5pm on Sunday! Mobility: Want an advantage?  Here is a 10

Choose and Perish!

Thursday, March 1, 2012 Mobility:DROMShoulder Prep Choose any 2 of the following workouts and perform them 4 minutes apart.  Warm up accordingly: AMRAP 4 minutes of10 Box Jumps, 24″/20″10 Kettlebell

PCFers in Action!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 A few last minute spots opened up for the Joshua Tree trip this weekend! Mobility: Sampson Stretch, 30 seconds each leg Foam Roll Calves, 1 minute

The other total.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Mobility:Keg drill, 2 minutesTricep mash, 1 minute  Warm-up:Run 400 meters30 Med ball cleans20 Push-ups 10 Pvc dislocates, 10 Overhead squats Workout:Clean, 1 repBench press, 1 repOverhead squat,

That happened, Part 2

Monday, February 27, 2012 Mobility: 15 Wall Extensions 3 reps each of the 6 Lat Activation positions from the Shoulder Prep Series 15 Wall Extensions “Classic CrossFit Warmup” Take 15

Relay Style!

Saturday, February 25, 2012 With a partner, one athlete working at a time relay style, complete the following: 6 rounds (3 rounds per athlete) of200 meter row20 Wall Ball shots

Let the Games Begin!

Friday, February 24, 2012 There is still time to register for the Games HERE!  Check out our 62 registered athletes HERE! Also, Good Luck to B Mac, Ashkan, Brandon W,

CrossFit Games Open Sectionals

Register Now for the worldwide CrossFit Games Open!  If you don’t know what the CrossFit Games, are, check out this video for a brief history.  The idea is not to

Preemptive Strike

Thursday, February 23, 2012 Mobility:Triceps mash, 2 min per armBottom of Squat, 2 minutes Warm up:10 Deadlifts10 Power Cleans10 Front Squats10 Thrusters Load up and rest as needed 21-15-9115 pound

That happened

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Mobility:Hip Mobility on Box, 2 minutes each leg Warmup:15 Overhead Squats15 GHD Situps15 Hip Extensions15 Strict Pullups15 Push ups20 Double Unders25 yard shuttle sprint Workout of