Let the Games Begin!

Friday, February 24, 2012

There is still time to register for the Games HERE!  Check out our 62 registered athletes HERE!

Also, Good Luck to B Mac, Ashkan, Brandon W, Flores, Gunnar and Ryan C who are running the Tough Mudder tomorrow!!

Shoulder Prep

Jog 800 meters
Sampson Stretch, 30 seconds each leg
20 Jumping Squats

Practice Kicking up to Handstands, Handstand Holds, Handstand Walking, Kipping Handstand Pushups

Workout of the Day:
Open Sectional 12.1
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:

This workout begins from the standing position. The Athlete will move from flat on the ground to touching an object with both hands that is 6 inches above their max reach. Score is total reps completed.

Cool Down:
10 Wall Extensions
5 Skin the Cats (rings or bar)
10 Wall Extensions
5 Bridge Wall Walks

Bailey showing a nice hollow position in the bottom of her burpee

Here we go!  Each Friday for the next 5 weeks, we will be hosting the CrossFit Games Sectional workouts.  The first one is listed above.  The Sectional wods will be the workout for all members that attend class on Friday, but with over 60 athletes registered, we will need to make sure that each registered athlete has an opportunity to be judged.  We are encouraging all registered athletes to attend the Games Arena on Friday nights, where we will be running continuous heats and there will be judges readily available.  The Friday evening classes will not be run as hourly classes, but all non-registered athletes are still welcome to attend!

Each workout will include a video demonstration and explanation, along with a print out of the movement standards and scoring.

Movement Standards:

At the bottom position, the Athlete’s chest and hips must touch the ground. At the top of the movement, both hands must make contact with the target 6 inches above your max reach.

The height of the target must be no less than 6 inches above the Athlete’s fingertips when they are standing, feet together, with a straight line through their wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip and knees. The Athlete should be shrugging their shoulders and reaching as high as possible, while the measurement is being made.

If the Athlete touches with just one hand or misses, they may re-jump to complete the rep without dropping back to the ground.

The use of a springy floor is not allowed.

Video Demonstration wmv/mov

PDF download of workout description

Judging Notes:

-Depending upon the workout and number of athletes at any given time, priority for judging will always be given to Trainers and Level 1 Certified individuals.
-A third party will always be present to oversee the judging process.  Even if there is only one person performing the workout.  This includes trainers.  Barring a unique set of circumstances, this will be Zeb, G, Diso or Martina.

-Prior to each workout, the head judge will review the movement standards and the athlete will perform the movements for the judge to ensure there is no misunderstanding.

-The judge will have a scorecard that must be signed by the athlete upon completion of the workout.

Athlete Notes:

You must input your scores to the CrossFit Games website by 5pm on Sunday.  The affiliate is then responsible for validating your score.
-Please contact us if you have any unique circumstances and cannot make a regular class time on Fridays to be judged.
-You will be held to the highest standards for your movements, so be sure to communicate with the judge in advance if you have any questions or concerns, be honest with yourself and have fun!

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