Team Recovery

Saturday, March 23, 2011 Mobility:DROM Shoulder Prep Warm up:Jog 400  meters, then3 rounds10 Deadlifts with the dumbbells or kettlebells you plan on using10 Wall Squats, go slow10 Push ups In

Eat My Dust Oprah

Friday, March 23, 2012 Tonight is the last night of the CrossFit Games Arena!  Monday is the Hash Run! Mobility:Rack Mobility, 2 minutes each armHip Mobility with Band, 2 minutes

Your Epochs

Thursday, March 22, 2012 Warning!  This workout will destroy your upper body if you are planning on performing The CrossFit Games 12.5 Open workout.  Tread carefully. Mobility:Shoulder Prep Warm up:10

Late Night Lifting

Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Check out the details for the Hash Run on Monday the 26th HERE! Mobility: Hip Prep Warmup: 500 meter Row, focus on body position, not speed

Cool out.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 Mobility:Pigeon on box, 1 minute each20 Bar taps Warm-up:Jog 100 meters forwardJog 100 meters backward20 Squats10 Pull-ups10 Kettlebell swings10 Box jumps, 20 inch Skill:  Spend 10

That happened, Part 5

Monday, March 19, 2012 Mobility:15 Wall ExtensionsReverse Plank, 20 secondsGerman Hang, 20 seconds15 Wall Extensions Warmup:Plate Walk, 4 lengths10 Handstand Pushups or progressions10 DipsPlate Walk, 4 lengths Skill:Practice Muscle ups

Something Old, Something New

Saturday, March 16th, 2012 Mobility:Shoulder PrepRack Mobility of choice (banded, triceps mash) Warm up, with progressively heavier loads:3 rounds ofClean grip deadlift with small jump, shrug, and the hook grip!

Marathon Fever

Friday, March 16, 2012 Games Arena tonight from 5:30 until 8:30!  Come get your wall ball on! Mobility:10 PVC Dislocates10 Wall ExtensionsHip Prep10 PVC Dislocates10 Wall Extensions Warmup:2 Rounds of250

Nice to meet you

Thursday, March 15, 2012 Mobility:Shoulder PrepPidgeon on the Box, 2 minutes per leg Warm up:Jump rope 400 meters10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls w/empty bar20 second Handstand Hold8 SDHPs, slightly heavier8


Wednesday, March 14, 2012 Mobility:10 PVC DislocatesKeg Drill, 2 minutes10 PVC Dislocates “Classic” Warmup:Jog 400 meters15 Overhead Squats15 GHD Situps15 Hip Extensions15 Strict Pullups15 PushupsSampson Stretch Strength:12 minutes to find