
Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up: Row 500 meters Spend 10 quality minutes working your problem areas.  Prioritize as time permits. Rack mobility: Super rack,  Tricep mash, Trap smash Hip mobility:

Getting Busy

Monday, November 5, 2012 Click HERE for the weekly Programming!  HERE for On Ramp! Mobility: Thoracic Spine (keg drill or t-spine smash), 2 minutes Ankle Mobility, 2 minutes Hips (assisted

2nd Annual Beach Cruiser Triathalon

Join us on Sunday, November 4th for our 2nd Annual Beach Cruiser Triathalon! DETAILS HAVE ALREADY BEEN SENT OUT TO ALL ATHLETES AND VOLUNTEERS!  CONTACT US ASAP IF YOU WOULD

Papa needs a new pair of shoes

Friday, November 2, 2012 Details have already been send out to all athletes and volunteers for the Beach Cruiser Triathalon!  Contact us ASAP if you would like to sign up! Warmup/Mobility:Jog 400

CrossFit 201 – Nutrition Talk!

Nutrition is the cornerstone of your Health and Fitness and something we all have in common!  We want to provide you with the tools and resources necessary for making educated

The Leadership Code

Thursday, November 11, 2012 Full CrossFit 201 Nutrition Talk during all On Ramp classes today!  All members are welcome to attend! First 15 minutes of class will be a nutrition

Surprise yourself.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up:Jog 200 metersDROM10 Wall squatsSamson stretch, 1 minute eachBanded shoulder distraction, 1 minute each**Read notes about what’s to follow…. Strength:High Bar Back Squat:  1×5 @80%, 2×3@85%, 

Know Thyself

 Monday, October 29, 2012 Sign up for the Beach Cruiser Triathalon this Sunday!  More details this Wednesday! Click HERE for the Weekly Programming!  HERE for On Ramp! Warmup/Mobility:Jog 400 meters10

9 Mile Saturday Morning Santa Monica Run

9 Mile Training run along San Vicente and along the bluffs overlooking the beach and Santa Monica Pier.  7:15am meeting at the Totem Pole on the corner of Ocean Avenue and

Cloud Nine

Friday, October 25, 2012 Remember to check out Upcoming Events to the right and sign up! Warmup:400m Jog / DROM10 SquatsBanded Ankle Mobility 1 min Bottom of Squat Gymnastics Warmup: 5