Cloud Nine

Friday, October 25, 2012

Remember to check out Upcoming Events to the right and sign up!

400m Jog / DROM
10 Squats
Banded Ankle Mobility 
1 min Bottom of Squat

Gymnastics Warmup:
5 rounds or 20 minutes for quality:
10 handstand shoulder shrugs facing the wall
10 pistols alternating legs
10 second L Hang on the bar
10 Press to Headstand

3 rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts @315/225#
24 Bar facing Burpees

-15 minute time cap-

Cool Down:
Pike, 1 min
Calf Stretch, 30 sec per side
Quad on Wall, 30 sec per side
Straddle, 1 min
German Hang,  30 sec

Starting Line!

PCF’s Endurance program is going strong!   We have two weekly track nights, one swim night, and lately a consistent Saturday morning run.  But there is still plenty of work to do!  Long term we hope to provide more swimming and eventually start doing group rides for all you cyclists.  The goal is to provide a complete program that builds off of the Strength & Conditioning from CF and prepares you for any and all endurance events, whether it be a 5k or Marathon, Sprint Tri or Iron Man.  More and more members from the gym are signing up for these types of events and taking advantage of our programming, and that is so awesome!  Signing up for an event brings purpose and determination to your training, and as a coach I am here to provide any and all resources available to help you succeed. 

But other than helping you finish or PR on a race, my primary goal as a coach is to increase the quality of your life by promoting positive habits in your lifestyle.  That is actually the main idea behind the Saturday morning runs.  When I was training for the LA Marathon in 2009, every Friday night I would go to bed early and wake up at 6:15am to go run anywhere from 10 to 19 miles at a time.  It was always a drag to stay in on Friday, and always a pain to wake up early on Saturday, but after every single run I would feel amazing!  And guess what?  That feeling would carry over into the rest of my day, and I still had Saturday nights to go out and have fun.  I had forgotten all about this until recently doing Saturday morning runs with Mary as she trains for her upcoming half marathon (she is going to destroy, btw).  After every single run I drive away with the windows down, the music blasting, singing (or yelling) to the latest Katy Perry song, floating on cloud nine from my runners high, ready and excited to completely dominate my Saturday!  By the time night comes, my weekend feels how all days should, long, productive, and satisfying.  I am not saying that everyone should come out or that everyone will enjoy waking up early and running, most people hate running and that’s fine.  But I am definitely saying that sacrificing a Friday night, getting a full night’s sleep, and waking up early to exercise outside will probably increase the quality of your life (physically, emotionally, and financially), and maybe you should give it a try!


2nd Annual Beach Cruiser Triathlon: Sunday, November 4th (next weekend!)

This is an event that I guarantee will increase the quality of your life.  If you have never done a triathlon this is the perfect chance to come out and see what the hype is about.  The PCF twist is that the bike portion must be completed on a beach cruiser, something to level the playing field and keep it fun and relaxed.  You can rent beach cruisers  at Bike Curious for $6 an hour or $20 for the entire day.  You can rent surfing wetsuits at ZJ Boarding House for $10 per half day or $15 for a full day, and probably the same at any other surf shop on the westside.  Triathlon wetsuits are more expensive and cost $50 to rent for the weekend from Triathlon Lab.  A lot of people have these already so ask around and don’t use it as an excuse not to participate!  It will be a Sprint Triathlon so it’s perfect for all abilities and shouldn’t leave you sore for days after.  Check out the awesome trailer from last year if you still need convincing.  Please sign up ASAP in the office so we can hammer out the logistics and the food for the post-race festivities.  Friends and family are more than welcome to participate, volunteer, or spectate.  Post any questions below!

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