Holiday Hike, Part Deux

Hey Everyone! I’ll be doing a last minute Holiday Hike, Part Dues tomorrow if anyone wants to join! Heading up to Temescal Peak, a 5.8-mile hike with 575 feet of

Holiday Hike, Part Deux

Hey Everyone! I’ll be doing a last minute Holiday Hike, Part Dues tomorrow if anyone wants to join! Heading up to Temescal Peak, a 5. 8-mile hike with 575 feet


Tuesday, December 25, 2012 Open Gym 8am-Noon today! Holiday Hike, Part Deux meeting at 7:45am at the gym and back in time to WOD at 11am! Mobility/Warm-up: Jog 400 meters10

On the Eve

Monday December 24, 2012 Be sure to check the schedule this week for our limited hours! Click HERE for the weekly programming! The first 15 minutes of class will be

5 Mile Saturday Run Club – Temescal Rivas Canyon Trail Run/Hike

Trail Info: 5 mile Trail Run/Hike,  Some portions are very steep and too hard to run so we will hike them, but the down and flat portions should be

Stay Warm

Sunday, December 23, 2012 Mobility: Keg drill3 Position Wall extensions, hold 30 secondsHip extension with bandAnkle mobility with band Group warm-up to be performed with PVC or bar: 10 Dislocates5

The Agony and the Heresy

Friday, December 21, 2012   Warmup/Mobility: Row 500mOlympic Squat on the WallT-Spine SmashOverhead Band DistractionSuper Rack Stretch with Band Barbell Gymnastics 20 minutes to establish a heavy, but technically sound,

You ARE the Resource

Thursday, December 20th, 2012 Warm up/Moblity Keg Drill, 1 minutePosterior Chain Floss, 30 secondsOverhead Band distraction, 30 seconds Group Warm up: Deadlift Set up and review10 Deadlifts, light weight10 Push


Tuesday, December 18, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up: Skip rope 200 meters Pigeon on BoxInternal rotation stretch on barTrap smashTricep mash Group warm-up: 10 PVC dislocates10 Overhead squats5 Hang snatch (high hang)5 Hang

Holiday Hike!

HOLIDAY HIKE! The Venice location has taken up most of our time and resources, so we never had a chance to plan one of our famous PCF Holiday parties! We