5 Mile Saturday Run Club – Temescal Rivas Canyon Trail Run/Hike
Trail Info: http://www.venturacountytrails.org/TrailMaps/Topanga/TemescalRogersRustic.htm#TemescalRivasCanyon
5 mile Trail Run/Hike, Some portions are very steep and too hard to run so we will hike them, but the down and flat portions should be run. The point is to move consistently and quickly through the trail. This is good cross training to mix in with regular road running. The hills build speed and strength, challenging the quads and calfs. Get outside!
12/22 Saturday 7:30am
Map: 15601 Sunset Blvd, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 (corner or Sunset Blvd and Temescal Canyon Rd)
Chilly: 59 degrees
5 Miles (2.5 miles out and back) / ~1.5 hours
Email frank@paradisocrossfit.com if you have any questions.