Not just any Monday!

Monday, January 7, 2012 Click HERE for the Weekly programming! Venice is officially open!  First workout of the day will be at 5:30am!  As we grow into our new home

New Year’s Race Half Marathon

Start Time: 9:00pm, Saturday Night – January 5, 2013Start Line: 7th Street & Grand Avenue – downtown Los AngelesFinish Line: 11th Street & Hope Street – downtown Los Angeles next to L.A. Live

Cooking Made Easy..

Sunday, January 6, 2012 Mobility/Warm-up: Jog 200 meters, forwardJog 200 meters, backwardKeg drill, 2 minutesAnkle mobility w/ bandOlympic wall squat or Assisted bottom of squat, 2 minutes Group warm-up:10 Dislocates

Fallen Fruit

Friday, January 4, 2013 Check out the new Super Schedule including Venice!  Search by location or lead Coach! Mobility Row 500mAnkle MobilityHip Extension with BandPosterior Chain Flossing with Band Group

Hearts on Fire

Thursday, January 3, 2013 Winter Warm up (If you are cold! – Row 1K or Jog 800 m, then DROM) Group Mobility/Warm up: Shoulder PrepReview movements and set up for

The years in (short) review…

Tuesday, January 1, 2013 GYM IS CLOSED TODAY!  REGULAR SCHEDULE RESUMES TOMORROW!! It’s New Years Eve-day and what a beautiful day to end the year!   Looking back I am

Do it and Do it and Do it

Monday, December 31, 2012 Limited Schedule today and Closed tomorrow! Click HERE for the weekly programming! Last day to Pre-Register for the Venice location at a discounted Rate! Mobility Foam

15km Saturday Run Club – Samo

15 Kilometer (9.3 miles) Training run along San Vicente and along the bluffs overlooking the beach and Santa Monica Pier.  7:15am meeting at the Totem Pole on the corner of

2012 Year in Book Review

Friday, December 28, 2012   Mobility: 500 meter Row, build up intensity10 Leg SwingsPosterior Chain Flossing with BandGroinersOverhead Band DistractionT-spine Smash Classic Programming: Strength: Every 40 seconds for 6 minutes

Holiday War Cries

Thursday, December 27, 2012 Mobility/Warm up: DROMHip Extension with band, 30 secondsBanded OH distraction, 30 seconds Group Warm up: Review Gymnastic Movements Gymnastics Warm up: 3 Rounds of:3 Wall Climbs10