Holiday War Cries
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Mobility/Warm up:
Hip Extension with band, 30 seconds
Banded OH distraction, 30 seconds
Group Warm up:
Review Gymnastic Movements
Gymnastics Warm up:
3 Rounds of:
3 Wall Climbs
10 Parallette shoot-throughs
10 Hollow rocks
10 GHD Hip Extensions
Conditioning (Same for Heroic and Legendary), 15 minute cap
“Elizabeth” (Power version)
21-15-9 reps of
Power Clean (135/95)
Ring dips
Notes: Bar dips and push ups may be substituted for Ring dips. Joe D. 4:05 minutes, Zeb 4:05 minutes
Cool down:
Accumulate 2 minutes in L-Sit or chair sit
Afterward, Cobra stretch for 1 minute.
I’ve always believed that true motivation comes from inside. But I also know it is a rare person indeed who can reach their full physical potential without powerful external forces. So in keeping with the recent trend of ultra long holiday posts, here is a motivational video for your viewing pleasure. Post your immediate thoughts to comments.