Strategies and Regrets

Thursday, February 21, 2013 Wear long pants/socks for rope climb!!!  We know some of you are on the fence about the Nutrition Challenge . . . DO IT!! Warm up/Mobility:

Let the fun begin!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013 EIE Challengers!  Come on down to SaMo High School at 5:30 tonight!  We will be running a 1 Mile Time Trial! Mobility: Assisted bottom of squatAnkle

American Beauty

Monday, February 18, 2013 Everything is Everything Challenge starts 1 week from today!  Everyone should sign up! Check out the new Recipe Index link!  (still being updated and search function

10 Mile Saturday Run Club Home Stretch LA Marathon Course (Brentwood)

2/16/13, Saturday, 7:30am.  Totem Pole at Ocean Avenue and Adelaide Drive (map).  Email if you have any questions. RSVP below so we know to wait for you! 10 Miles

Competition anyone?

Saturday, February 16, 2013 Mobility/ Warmup: DROM Groiners 10 Bridges 15 Jumping Squats Group Warmup: Junkyard Dog Team Conditioning: The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre WOD 1 – “Roses Are Red,

Paleo Potluck and Lifting Meet!

Friday, February 15th at 6pm! The Everything is Everything Nutrition Challenge details have been released!   Come hang out this Friday at the Venice location to discuss the details of

Paleo Potluck

Friday, February 15, 2013 Limited hours in the evening due to the Paleo Potluck tonight at 6pm in Venice to discuss the details of the Everything is Everything Nutrition Challenge, followed immediately

Super Human!

Thursday, February 14, 2013 Everything is Everything Nutrition Challenge details HERE!   Don’t forget to sign up for the Lifting meet and the Paleo Potluck tomorrow! Warm up/mobility: For 3 minutesJump rope 30 seconds on/30 seconds

Fair Warning.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 Warm-up/Mobility: Jog 400 meters10 SquatsGroiners/GristleAnkle mobilty w/bandPosterior chain flossingSamson stretch10 Squats Strength: 20 Minutes to establish a 1RM High Bar Back Squat Notes:  This will be

Testing Week!

Monday, February 11, 2013 Weekly Programming Links:  Group Class, BBG, Gymnastics Nutrition Challenge Details being released this Wednesday with a Paleo Potluck on Friday to discuss the details! TESTING WEEK!