Always Learning…
Sunday, April 14, 2013 Remember that this is the last day to complete your EIE challenge data! Mobility: Internal rotation smash w/barbellKeg drillAssisted bottom of squat Classic Strength: 7×2 Hang
Taking Away
Thursday, April 11, 2013 Warm up/Mobility: Jog 400 metersPosterior Chain Floss, 30 seconds perOverhead band distraction, 30 seconds per Strength: 10 min Vo2 Max KB Snatch: Notes: For ten minutes,
Happy Tuesday!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013 Mobility: DROM, include wrists and anklesPosterior flossingSuper rack w/ band Strength: 20 Minutes to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk Classic Conditioning: AMRAP 12 minutes of:7/4
Mark your Calendar
The EIE Challenge officially ends today! Read below for the retest details! Check the schedule for new Women’s Only class times at MDR and our first Base Camp classes with
Picadillo Stuffed Peppers!
Sunday, April 7, 2013 EIE Challenge Tip of the Day 41: You’ve all come such a long way and you’re so close to being done with an experience that we
Thursday, April 4, 2012 Many athletes may take a rest day to come in fully recovered for Friday Night Lights. EIEC Tip of the Day: It never ends. Just because
1 more!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013 EIE Challenge Tip of the Day 36: Congratulate yourself! You’re almost to the proverbial finish line (hopefully this is just the beginning). I know a lot
Rhyme or Reason, part 2
EIE Tip of the Day 35: Video tape yourself performing every movement. You might be surprised by what you look like and you will have an image in your mind’s
Happy Easter!
Sunday, March 31, 3013 EIE Challenge Tip of the Day 34: Did you know that the beginning stage of your digestion starts with just the thought of your food, then
Bling Bling
EIE Challenge Tip of the Day: Eat with the TV off (and without any other distractions)! People eat more when they are distracted, because you stop noticing what you’re eating and