Deadlift Wednesdays!
Wednesday, November 5, 2014 Visit Dimitri at 8pm at Venice for Gymnastics! PreHab Row 500m/Run 400m 15 Hip Extensions 15 Wall Extensions Warm Up 5 Inch Worms :30 Plank 5
3 More Days until the Championship!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Deadline to signup for the PCFWC main events HERE! Remember anyone can show up to participate in the “Dirty Dozen” events. Visit Dimitri at 8pm at
Gymnastics with Dimitri!
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 2 Weeks to go in the EIE Challenge and the PCF World Championships! Be sure to check out the Event Details HERE and Sign up
Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Visit Dimitri at 8pm at Venice for Gymnastics! PreHab Straddle Stretch, (middle/left/right) Rack Stretch, 1 minute each Keg Drill, 1 minute Warm Up Plank, 60 seconds
Strict Mastery
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 PreHab Single Leg Hip Bridges, 15 each side Overhead Lat Stretch with Band, 1 minute each 10 Inch Worms Warm Up Double Unders, 2 minutes of