With a purpose.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Check out the Upcoming Events to the right! 20 minutes Mobility: Improving the Overhead Position!Take a Before Photo (read below) then perform each for 2 minutes:T-Spine
Here goes nothing…
Wednesday, October 3, 2012 Mobility/ Warm Up: Run 400m20 Light Kettlebell Swings20 Squats w/ Kettlebell10 Strict Pull Ups10 Push UpsRack Mobility of ChoicePractice 3 Position Clean w/ Barbell Skill/Strength: 15
Watch Yourself!
Wednesday 9/26 Warm Up/Mobility: 10 minutes to perform – Run 200m Accumulate 1 minute bottom of squat w/ knees to elbows 10 Slow PVC Dislocates 10 x 1 Snatch Grip
Fired Up.
Wednesday, Sept. 19 Warm Up/MobilityRow 250 hard10 Hip Extension10 GHD Sit Ups10 Overhead Squats With Bar10 Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Press w/ Bar5 Hang Power Snatches w/ Bar5 Hang
Warm Up/ Mobility:3 rounds or 10 minutes:Row (100m easy, 100m sprint)5 Push Ups5 Strict Pull Ups/ Lat activations Strength: Establish your 1 RM Bench press and 1 RM Weighted Strict
Wednesday, September 5 Track Night only a few blocks from the gym tonight! Warm Up/ Mobility:Run 400 m DROM15 PVC Dislocates15 Push ups15 Ring pull ups/activations15 Jumping Squats15 Hip Extensions
The next step…
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 Mobility:Row 250m fast10 PVC Dislocates10 Leg Swings, each leg10 push ups10 KB Swings20 Squats Gymnastics Warmup: Perform the following sequence of movements for 3 rounds or
For the record…
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 Mobility:Double Under Practice for 2-3 minutesShoulder Prep Pushup Variations Shoulder Prep Lat Activations Gymnastic Warm up 20 minutes for quality: ME Handstand Hold, (ideally free space)