Do You Struggle With Gymnastics? Practice Body Awareness.
Swim Night! 730pm- Culver City Plunge Gymnastics Club- 8pm Venice Thursday June 19, 2014 Prehab: Calf Stretch on plateTheraband Routine Warm Up: Tabata Row Agility: 3 rounds: 30 seconds of
Minimizing Mistakes: The Rule of 3
Swim Night at 7:30pm at Culver City PlungeEIE Support Forum from 630-8pm at VeniceGymnastics Club at 8pm Thursday June 11, 2014 Prehab: Banded Hip ExtensionFire HydrantsWrist Mobility Warm Up: Tabata
Why You Might Not Be Warming Up Properly, And How To Fix It
Swim Night! Register HERE!Gymnastics Club! 8pm in Venice Thursday June 4, 2014 Prehab: Banded Lat StretchHold assisted squat until class begins Warm Up: Run 400m10 Lat Activations5 Strict Pullups:20s Ring
The Benefits of Practicing Awareness
Swim Night! Register HERE!Gymnastics Club! 8pm in Venice Thursday May 29, 2014 Prehab: Wrist MobFire HydrantsLat Activations Warm Up: 400m Jog2 Rounds:10 each side Bird Dogs10 each side Plank Hip
The “Coach Speak” Problem
Swim Night! Register HERE! Gymnastics Club! 8pm in Venice Thursday May 22, 2014 Prehab: Hip DROMFire HydrantsKeg Drill Warm Up: 2 minutes jump rope2 rounds:10 Good Mornings5 Strict Press5 Push
How Do You Eat an Elephant?
Swim Night! Register HERE! Thursday March 15, 2014 Prehab: Lat Stretch w/ Band Super Rack Stretch w/ Band Gristle/Groiner Warm Up: Run 400m 10 burpees 10 Lat Activations (5 Wide/5
Don’t Train Insane
Swim Night! Register HERE! Thursday May 8, 2014 Prehab: Foam Roll Thoracic Spine Overhead/Lat Distraction w/ band Hip Extension w/ Band Warm Up: :30s Backwards Double Unders :30s Forwards Double
How to Become An Athlete and Accomplish Your Goals
Swim Night! Register HERE! Thursday May 1, 2014 Prehab: Super Rack Stretch w/ BandAnkle Mobilization w/ BandWrist Mobilization Warm Up: With 53/35 kettlebell, 3 rounds of:10 Swings10 Goblet Squats10 Cleans
Swim Night! Register HERE! Thursday April 24, 2014 Prehab Keg DrillFire HydrantsMonster Walks Warmup 15 Bird Dogs each side:30 Side Plank + 10 ‘heel clicks’ each sideTHEN 2 rounds:10 Good
Say It With Pride!
Swim Night! Register HERE! Thursday April 17, 2014 Prehab: 15 Reverse Snow AngelsBanded Hip Distraction10 bird dogs (each side) Warmup: 1 min jump rope practiceTHEN 4 Rounds:5 lat activations10