Open for WOD!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Mobility: Keg Drill Olympic Wall Squat Overhead Band Distraction Group Warm Up: 400 m Run 5 T-push ups, each side 10 PVC Dislocates 10 Overhead Squats
Merry Christmas!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012 Mobility: 400 meter JogKeg DrillPVC Dislocates Super RackOlympic Wall Squat Strength: Every 20 seconds for 4 minutes (13 total reps):1 Power Snatch @ 75% (of max
Thank You!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Mobility: Keg DrillOverhead Band DistractionAssisted Bottom of Squat Group Warm-up: 400 meter runTo be performed w/PVC…10 Good Mornings10 PVC Dislocates10 Overhead Squats10 Hang Power Snatch10 Power
What type are you?
Wednesday, November 28, 2012Classic and Advanced same for all!! Warm Up: Jog 100 meters (Forward)Jog 100 meters (Backwards)10 ‘T’ push-ups w/Foot ClapsPosterior Chain Flossing w/BandHip Extension w/BandT-Spine mash w/Foam Roller
Mobility Craft Night!!!
We will be hosting a “Mobility Craft Night” at the Box on Sunday, November 18, 2012 during normal open gym hours (4:30-6:30 PM). Our goal has been, and always will
Mobility Night
Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Sign up for the Mobility Craft Night HERE!!! Warm Up/Mobility:400 meter JogDROM3 Rounds of:– 15 Air Squats– 3 Wall Climbs + 10 Shoulder TapsAssisted Bottom of
Happy Halloween!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Make sure to wear your Halloween costume during the workout!!! Mobility/Warm Up:Front/Side leg swings- 30 sec each leg/directionAssisted bottom of Squat– 1 minute20 meter single right
Shankle, Shankle
Wednesday, October 17, 2012 Warm Up/Mobility5 mins practicing double unders10 Good Mornings w/barAssisted Bottom of the Squat10 Broad Jumps Notes: Work on getting good depth in your load position at
Movers and Stabilizers
Friday, October 12, 2012 20 Minutes Mobility: Improving the squat/lifting positionTake a photo of your best squat from the front and the side, then perform each of the following:Hip Extension