DL/OHS – Joe D

21-15-9 reps for time of: 225lb Deadlift 135lb Overhead Squat Joe D hits it in 8:16!


A simple movement in appearance, but brutal to perform. When choosing a progression, start easy and focus on performing the movement perfectly. Take as many sets as needed to complete


The planche is a difficult hand balancing position. Progress here is measured in months, not days! Master the bent arm progression, focusing on wrist strength and balance before you move

Front Lever

This is another fundamental gymnastic movement. You can perform this on the rings or a bar. Use an overhand grip (palms away from you) at shoulder width to get more

King of the Hill

CrossFit Games Open 11.2 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of: 155 pound Deadlift, 9 reps 12 Push-ups 15 Box jumps, 24″ box G 9

IWC Day 16!

I love meat delivery day:)

Stay Still

For time: 75 Squats 50 Pull-ups 20 Ring dips 50 Squats 35 Pull-ups 15 Ring dips 25 Squats 20 Pull-ups 10 Ring dips Russell Berger 5:50, Kim Malz 12:31 Post

IWC Day 12

Heading into weekend number two!  Keep the great posts coming!

Ice is your friend

21-15-9 reps of: 225 pound Deadlift 135 pound Overhead squat Post time to comments. Joe D.  8:16 There is a wise CrossFit saying, “If you’re not icing it, its not

No Whammies!

For time: Row 500 meters Run 200 meters 50 Double Unders Run 200 meters 50 Hollow Rocks Run 200 meters 50 Pistols, alternating legs Run 200 meters Below I have