The Drama
Weekly Programming: Group Class, Venice Barbell Club Monday, May 20, 2013 Prehab/Mobility: Supine Overhead Stretch with PVCMonster WalksSupported Ankle StretchSide Plank Strength: 7 minutes to establish a 3rm OH Squat
CrossFit Games SoCal Regional Competition!
The top 30 teams from the Southern California region will be competing May 17-19 to determine the top 3 teams that will advance to the CrossFit Games! Come watch
Testing Week!
Remember our schedule will be limited this weekend due to the CrossFit Games Regional Competition! Weekly Programming: Group Class, Venice Barbell Club Monday, May 13, 2013 Prehab/Mobility: Supported Ankle Stretch,
Second Annual Cast Iron Cook-Off
Cinco de Mayo is upon us again and what better time to show off your guac skills? ! 🙂 Last year was top notch and Brian Pink, Aims, Laura Clive
Gymnastic Strength Training Review
Weekly Programming Links: Group Class, Venice Barbell Club Monday, May 6, 2013 Mobility/Prehab: Keg Drill, 2 minutes Reverse Snow Angels, 20 reps Monster Walks, 20 steps each direction Downward
Muscle over Motor
Base Camp at 1pm today, bring a friend! 2nd Annual Cast Iron Cook off at Mother’s Beach on Sunday! Saturday May 4, 2013 Mobility/Prehab: Reverse Snow Angels, 20 repsPVC
New Video Madness!
Weekly Programming Links: Group Class, Venice Barbell Club Monday, April 29, 2013 Mobility/Prehab: External Rotation with Theraband, 15 each side (hold an abmat under your armpit)Step Aways with Theraband,
First Runner Up!
Hit the beach at 1pm with Base Camp today! Friends are welcome to attend for free! Saturday, April 27, 2013 Prehab/Mobility: Downward Dog Ankle Stretch, 20 reps each legSide Planks,
Week of 4/22/13
Monday: Base Camp Skill: Free standing hand stands 5 rounds for time: 30 Pushups 40 Squats 50 KB swings Tuesday: Bike Workout 3 Rounds: Ride 5K, rest 4 min Wednesday: