We are not alone
Weekly Programming Links: Group Class, Advanced, Venice Barbell Club Monday October 14 Prehab/Warmup Down Dog Ankle StretchShoulder Circles with Theraband2 rounds:5 Good Mornings5 Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Press3 Overhead
Be a Biker
Swim night at 7:30pm at Culver City Plunge – Sign up HERE Thursday, October 10, 2013 Warmup/Prehab 2 Rounds, 30 seconds each:RowBear CrawlInch WormDuck Walk – DEMO Gymnastic Strength EMOTM
For your viewing pleasure
Weekly Programming Links: Group Class, Advanced, Venice Barbell Club Monday, October 7, 2013 Mobility/Prehab Monster WalksPVC Dislocates2 rounds:5 Good Mornings5 Behind the Neck Press5 Overhead Squats5 Hang Snatch Notes: Perform
What day is it?
Swim Night at 730pm and Beach Ultimate Frisbee at 6pm – Sign up for either NOW! For the Ultimate Frisbee, meet up with McCoy at the Venice gym by 6pm
Weekly Programming Links: Group Class, Advanced, Venice Barbell Club Beach Ultimate Frisbee on Thursday and “Diane” testing day on Friday! Monday, September 30, 2013 Mobility/Warmup: 200 meter JogDROM, 3
And I’m Spent
Weekly Programming Links: Group Class, Advanced, Venice Barbell Club Monday, September 23, 2013 Mobility/Prehab: 2 Rounds: 20 Jumping Jacks 10 Good Mornings with Barbell Super Rack with Barbell 5
Joshua Tree Rock Climbing/Camping Trip
It’s that time of the year again! The Paradisoites are heading out to JT for some world class climbing. For the first time we were able to score not one,
Moving Pictures
-Weekly Programming Links: Group Class, Advanced, Venice Barbell Club -5k Testing Day tomorrow at Santa Monica High at 7pm! -Joshua Tree Climbing Trip this coming weekend! Email us to confirm
Commence Testing
Weekly Programming: Group Class, Advanced Programming, Venice Barbell Club Monday, September 9, 2013 There is now an 830PM group class at MDR on Mondays! Warmup/Prehab Keg Drill, then 2 Rounds:
Labor Day
Limited Hours at both locations due to the Holiday! Weekly Programming: Group Class, Advanced, Venice Barbell Club Monday, September 2, 2013 Mobility/Prehab Wrist Mobility2 Rounds:100ft Bear Crawl10 Light KB