And I’m Spent
Weekly Programming Links: Group Class, Advanced, Venice Barbell Club
Monday, September 23, 2013
2 Rounds:
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Good Mornings with Barbell
Super Rack with Barbell
5 Pause Front Squats
15 minutes to find a heavy 3 position Clean and Jerk
Notes: Be sure to log your score to keep track of your progress!
Classic Conditioning
3 rounds of:
1 minute ME Pullups, then
3 minute AMRAP
9 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)
12 V-ups
Notes: Each round consists of 1 minute of pullups, directly into the 3 minute amrap. There is no rest between rounds. Score is total number of pullups and total rounds and reps for the amraps.
Advanced Conditioning
2 Rounds of:
1 minute ME Muscle-Ups
3 minute AMRAP:
9 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
12 Toes to Bar
1 min ME MU
6 min to find 3RM Split Jerk
Notes: For the split jerk you may use a rack or blocks if logistics allow.
Cool Down
2 Rounds:
10 Xiaopeng Forward (5 each)
Foam Roll legs
Farmer’s Tan. Sore fingers. Scrapes and bruises. Moon lit hiking. No cell phone reception. Good food. Good drink. Good company. We had a wonderful weekend of climbing in Joshua Tree State Park. I have written a few times (HERE and HERE) on my thoughts about why I think climbing is such a great activity for anyone. This weekend was no exception. As we were parting ways and reminiscing on the experience, a few people thanked me for putting this together. While I appreciated their gratitude, my response was the same each time, “Lets make this normal!” Joshua Tree is just 3 hours away and only 1 of numerous climbing destinations in Socal. This is my true passion! Not just climbing, but getting people out of the city, out of their comfort zones and trying things they have always dreamed of. Thanks to everyone that came out to share this experience, test their physical limitations and conquer their fears. May we do it again soon!
Check out what else PCFers were up to this weekend…
Top to Bottom: The first unofficial PCF golf outing at Penmar, Sondra finishing an Ultra Ragnar in Napa, Cara and Frank competing in a local CrossFit competition!