Mobility Night
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Sign up for the Mobility Craft Night HERE!!!
Warm Up/Mobility:
400 meter Jog
3 Rounds of:
– 15 Air Squats
– 3 Wall Climbs + 10 Shoulder Taps
Assisted Bottom of Squat– 2 min
Tricep Mash– 1 min each arm
Workout of the Day:
This is one continuous effort broken into 12 minute cycles which begin with a 800 meter run for time.
12 minutes to:
Run 800 meters for time.
With the remainder of the 12 minutes:
Establish a 3RM power Clean
12 minutes to:
Run 800 meters for time.
With the remainder of the 12 minutes:
3 attempts, for total reps, of UB Ring Dips
Notes: Each attempt starts with full lockout over the rings and finishes when the athlete drops off the rings. May substitute with push-ups. Score is the total of the 3 attempts.
12 minutes to:
Run 800 meters for time
With the remainder of the 12 minutes:
Establish a 1RM Push Press.
Notes: Racks may be used for the push press (and shared).
Cool Down:
3x ME Planks
Banded Shoulder Distraction– 1 min each arm
Foam Roll Legs- 2 min
Sunday, November 18, 2012 we will be hosting a mobility craft night at the box during normal open gym hours (4:30-6:30pm). Some of you may have read the upcoming events post this past week and may be on the fence on whether or not you would like to join us. We have space available for about 40 people and only 13 have RSVP’d so far. Its going to be a lot of fun and hopefully a great learning experience for everyone participating. Our goal for this night is to show each athlete how to perform proper maintenance on themselves so they can perform better, feel better, and stay, or become, injury free. RSVP to the comments section HERE or just let one of the coaches know you would like to join us.
On a different note, I recently ran the Malibu Half Marathon on Sunday and left the race with a few thoughts/questions: 1) Why would anyone want to run this far? 2) I wonder how well I could have done if I actually trained for the race? 3) Will my feet ever feel better?
I finished at 1 hour and 54 minutes; this is the farthest I have ever run in my life so I should be proud of myself, right? The only real training I did in preparation for this race, besides CrossFit, was 4 training runs, and none of them were close to the distance of 13.1. My legs felt amazing during the whole race and I actually never felt tired; the only thing that held me back was the excruciating pain in my feet when I hit mile 10. Because of the training I do at PCF, my body was more than prepared for 13.1 miles, but my feet were not. Hynes-sight is 20/20.
I’m left here thinking, if I actually had more time to train and took it more seriously, I could easily knock off 10 minutes off that time. Its funny, if you talked to me yesterday I would have told you that I have no plans on running a half marathon again for a long time. Flash forward to today; my feet feel pretty good and I foam rolled my IT band pretty well….I’m ready to lace up the ‘sneaks’ and start PR’ing some long runs.