Be a Biker

Swim night at 7:30pm at Culver City Plunge – Sign up HERE

Thursday, October 10, 2013


2 Rounds, 30 seconds each:
Bear Crawl
Inch Worm
Duck Walk – DEMO

Gymnastic Strength 

EMOTM 12 min:
Odd: 5 Strict Ring Pull-ups in False Grip
Even: 10 Pistols (5 each leg, alternating)

Notes: If you cannot perform Strict Ring PUs, substitute Ring Rows in false grip! This is a great way to develop pulling strength for muscle-ups! Scale the pistols using support, Cossack squats or high step ups and lowers.

Gymnastics Conditioning

5 rounds for Quality:

Max Effort L-Sit
1 Legless Rope Climb
3 Skin the Cat or 10 strict knee raises
5 Strict Handstand Pushups or 15 Pushups
7 Triple Unders 
-20 min cap-

Notes: The L-sit is prescribed on the ground, but use parallettes or boxes and scale as needed. If you struggle to do a legless RC, use this time to practice an anchored RC or try and hold on to the rope suspended and w/o legs for as long as possible. If you perform the knee raises, you should show control on the way up and down. Feel free to practice triple or double unders as needed, but do not spend more than 2 min with the jump rope.  

Cool Down

2×10 Wall Extensions
Rest 60 seconds between sets

Check out the CrossFit Games on ESPN!  Only about 5 more months until we start all over again with the next Open!


I have long been a major scooter advocate for LA residents for the past 7 years.  My mantra is simple, Always parking, never traffic and 90 miles per gallon.  I can hop on my scooter and go anywhere at anytime.  Venice Blvd is shut down for a triathlon?  No problem, I’ll just turn off the engine and walk my scooter to the other side.  Rush hour?  Never even a consideration in my travel plans.  However, no matter how superior I believe this style of travel to be in LA, there is still a better way for local travel…its called a bicycle.  Most of the places I go are within a few miles, I would have similar advantages with traffic, save even more money on gas and get some exercise along the way.  I believe simple decisions like this have a big impact on our lives and how we view the world.  Getting out on my bike first thing in the morning and riding that little 1 mile to the gym gets my day started right and I just feel like it is the right thing to do.  I am not on my phone, I feel more attached to my surroundings.  The sights, sounds and smells of Venice….aaaahhh, it makes me feel alive!

The two most common things I hear in opposition to getting a bike (or a scooter) are cost and safety.  First, buy yourself a helmet.  Second, read both of these articles from a favorite website of mine, Mr Money Moustache.

What do you mean, “You don’t have a bike”!?  – Addressing the realities of the cost and practicalities of owning a bike

Bicycling:  The safest form of transportation – An interesting angle at the safety side of things

Check out our new local member deal from the Sole Bicycle company!  All PCF members receive 25% off the purchase of a new bike with the promotional code of PARADISO.  Please Note:  We are not receiving any compensation for promoting these bikes.  These guys just happen to be members and my neighbors and I think their bikes are pretty cool:)


These stickers are available for a $1 by the way! 

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